Matthea Little Smith - Smith is an African American and a lesbian and the daughter of Minnesota civil rights pioneer Matthew Little.
Now's the time to make justice a reality to all of God's children.' Now that's what Martin Luther King said. He didn't say 'All of God's children who are not gay.
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Cape Verde

About Cape Verde

official name: Republic of Cape Verde
capital: Praia
head of state: President Pedro Pires
government type: republic
426,998 (July 2008 est.)
independence: from Portugal in 1975
Portuguese, Crioulo (a blend of Portuguese and West African words)
Roman Catholic (infused with indigenous beliefs), Protestant (mostly Church of the Nazarene)
currency: Cape Verdean escudo


mainline telephones:  71,600 (2006)
cellular telephones:
148,000 (2007)
Internet hosts:
20 (2008)
Internet users:
37,000 (2007)

Legal Status of Homosexuality

There is no specific law against homosexuality

Previous Stories
ster-kinekor propose des ��mercredis roses�� pour voir des films gays et lesbiens
AFRIQUE DU SUD: Mars 28, 2006 : Le 12 avril, la plus grande cha�ne de cin�ma sud-africaine linaugurera les ��Pink Wednesdays�� Le concept: certaines salles de la cha�ne Ster-Kinekor proposeront quatre s�ances de projection d'un film homo, classique ou r�cent, deux mercredis de suite (d'o� le nom �mercredis roses).  [more]

un autrichien risque la prison et l\'expulsion pour activit�s homosexuelles
March 17, 2006: Un Autrichien de 39 ans risque la prison, une amende et une expulsion suite � son arrestation au Ghana pour �activit�s homosexuelles�, rapporte le site d\'information Ghana web. L\'homme, pr�sent� sous le nom de Thomas Wild, �tait sous surveillance depuis qu\'il avait �t� d�nonc� au Service d\'immigration du pays. [more]

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