Cathy Crimmins, author of How the Homosexuals Saved Civilization
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man faces death by stoning for gay sex

Last Updated: November 29, 2004

Page: 1

By Newscenter Staff

November 29, 2004: (Lagos, Nigeria) An Islamic court has issued an arrest warrant for a middle-aged man accused of having gay sex. If caught and convicted the Sharia court in Keffi could sentence him to death by stoning.

The warrant was issued for Michael Ifediora Nwokoma after neighbors alleged he was gay and was having sex with with another man. That person was identified in the Nigerian media as a local businessman named Mallam Abdullahi Ibrahim.

Ibrahim was charged but Nwokoma escaped before police could arrest him.

Press reports say that Ibrahim was nearly lynched by police in the process of getting him to confess. He was spared only when the district commander intervened.

He is charged with the "unholy" act of "homosexualism". If convicted Ibrahim also could face death by stoning.

Sharia courts have a wide latitude in Nigeria and usually exact the maximum penalties under strict Islamic law.

Ibrahim remains in jail until police find Nwokomah. The court ruled that until Nwokomah is arrested Ibrahim cannot be tried. The court decided that no mater how long it takes to find Nwokomah, Ibrahim will remain behind bars.

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