Zuma referring to complainant's sexual orientation and dress code
I speculated that the woman only had girls when there were no boys. She came to me in a skirt that showed her legs... and gave me an indication that she expected me to be of some assistance.
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hiv+ gay man evicted from his home

Last Updated: June 2, 2005

Page: 1

By Michael Akanji

June 2, 2005: When Emeka* was released from custody where he was detained after being charged with indecently assaulting another man, he looked forward to putting the whole ordeal behind him. Upon returning home, his landlord gave him notice of eviction as she "couldn't stay with a pervert".

On the 26 February 2005, Emeka, who is living with HIV, was arrested and detained in Enuguat Abakpa police station. He was slapped with the vague charge of "indecent assault on [another] male"

He was arrested because Mr. Mba, the father of his partner's friend, allegedly reported him to the police accusing him of initiating his son Patrick into the act of homosexuality.

He was eventually released on March 4, 2005, after paying the sum of NGN15 000.00 to the investing police officer in charge of the case, Mr. Vincent. The investigating officer had earlier threatened Emeka with delaying his court appearance for a period of six months.

After Emeka's release from detention, he now faces an eviction threat as his landlord, Mrs. Victoria Ezeonu, said she can not have a pervert in her property. She has since given Emeka until the end of July 2005 to move out of her house.

Emeka is presently squatting with one of his friend. Emeka has also indicated that his landlady has been making life difficult for him in the house as a result of his orientation and HIV status.

* Name has been changed to protect his identity.

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