(Summer of Truth Website flash logo)

Take the 9/11 Truth Test

1. Which is the real Bin Ladin?

Taken from five different videos, the images above all supposedly show speeches by Osama Bin Ladin. Which is the real Osama? BONUS: Which one confessed to being responsible for 9/11 in a video found by US troops in Afghanistan in Nov. 2001? (* answer below)

2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements? 
Yes / No / Maybe (click on letter for info)




A. A conspiracy of 19 men sent by Osama Bin Ladin evaded detection by any US agency, plotted to hijack four planes, successfully piloted three of these planes into their targets, and destroyed the World Trade Center.




B. The question of who financed the September 11 attacks is important - even if The 9/11 Commission Report says the US does not know and "at any rate, the question is of little practical significance." (p. 172)




C. Several field investigations that might have uncovered the alleged 9/11 hijackers were terminated prior to September 2001, in each case by the same group of FBI officials. This was probably not due to simple incompetence.




D. More than a year before Sept. 2001, a military intelligence team called "Able Danger" identified four of the alleged 9/11 hijackers as terrorists plotting an attack in the United States. The Pentagon prevented Able Danger from telling the FBI. The 9/11 Commission Report omits mentioning Able Danger. All this was probably not due to simple incompetence.




E. Failed Cessna pilot Hani Hanjour, flying a jumbo jet for the first time, executed the maneuver that hit the Pentagon. (Link: See esp. pts. 16 forward.)




F. The 9/11 Commission failed to answer the most important questions about what actually happened on September 11. (See also here.)




G. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were planned and prepared long in advance of September 2001.




H. Statements by US officials who tied Saddam Hussein to 9/11 represent an "outrageous conspiracy theory."




I. Certain influential US policy-makers and business persons might think they had something to gain from a catastrophic terrorist attack on American soil, if this caused people to support wars and measures like the USA PATRIOT Act. (See also here.)




J. Foreign intelligence agencies gave US officials many specific warnings about 9/11. Warnings not to fly on September 11th were issued to US officials, including Pentagon generals and the mayor of San Francisco. Therefore, it's ridiculous to think foreknowledge of the 9/11 events was not fairly widespread among certain groups in the US government.




K. Yes, it's weird that the president remained seated for 10 minutes in a Florida classroom after he heard that "America is under attack." But it's even weirder that his White House entourage and Secret Service contingent also did not swing into action immediately, but stayed at the school for more than 30 minutes after the second of the Twin Towers was hit.




L. During the attacks the nation's top commanders - George Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, Gens Richard Myers and Montague Winfield, and Adm. Richard Mies - all failed to exercise their duties. This was not due simply to incompetence. (See also "Press Picks Up on AWOL Chain of Command" and on Mies see article here on wargames.)




M. The 9/11 flights were not intercepted because military war games and stand-down orders blocked standard air defense responses. This was intended by certain US officials, possibly including Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. (See also here on wargames.)




N. Some US leaders knew in advance that attacks were planned on or around 9/11 and consciously failed to act.**




O. The omissions of the 9/11 Commission tend to involve evidence contradicting the official story of 19 hijackers acting alone - and also, evidence pointing to possible complicity in the attacks by certain people in the US government.




P. Governments in other parts of the world have often staged or allowed terrorist attacks and blamed them on foreign enemies, to keep the people fearful and compliant with otherwise unpopular policies. But this is impossible in the USA.





3. Can you identify the following persons, or the meanings of the following terms?

Project Northwoods

"The Big Wedding"


CIA -Drugs

Able Danger

The Carlyle Group

Cynthia McKinney's
9/11 hearings

Sibel Edmonds and
Behrouz Sharshar

Project for a New American Century

John O'Neil

Gulf of Tonkin Incident

Peak Oil

Pakistani ISI Chief
Mahmud Ahmed
9/11 insider trading ('put options') Iran-Contra


4. Fill in the blank: 

Telling millions of New Yorkers the Ground Zero air is safe to breathe when you know it is highly toxic, as the White House ordered the EPA to do after September 11th, is a crime comparable to ________________.

5. Do you believe structural failure from fire and "pancake collapse" explain what is happening to the WTC South Tower in the picture below?

NOTE: The arrow points to a powerful "squib" of debris emerging from the wall far below the collapse wave. Such squibs, which may indicate the use of explosives, are visible in many photos of the Twin Tower collapses and in pictures of the collapse of WTC Building 7, the third skyscraper which fell that afternoon although it was not hit by aircraft.



NOTES *ANSWER TO QUESTION #1: Take your pick.
BONUS 1a: Picture E, a.k.a. "Osama the Stout"
**2, K. In 2004, a Zogby poll found that 49% of NYC residents agreed with the statement that US leaders had prior knowledge of 9/11 and "consciously failed to take action to prevent the attacks." Why do so many people believe that?

No matter what you believe, 9/11 was the result of a conspiracy.
In the official story, it was a conspiracy of 19 men with boxcutters.

Perhaps you are among the millions who are skeptical of the
Official Conspiracy Theory. Perhaps you too are a "9/11 skeptic."

If so, you may want to fill out the questionnaire on the reverse, and
visit the following websites for more information:

911Truth.org - 911review.com - wtc7.net

ALSO "The Complete 9/11 Timeline" at cooperativeresearch.org
AND "The Reading Room" at 911Truth.org

Or you might read one of the following books by David Ray Griffin:
The New Pearl Harbor and Omissions and Distortions: The 9/11 Commission Report
OR: Michael Ruppert, Crossing the Rubicon 
Nafeez Ahmed, The War On Truth
Sander Hicks, The Big Wedding

The Mission
Do We Really Know the Truth About 9/11?

What really happened on the morning of September 11, 2001? Why did the people at the top of the US military chain of command--Bush and Rumsfeld, Gens. Myers, Eberhard, Winfield and Mies--fail to act during the decisive portion of the attacks? Why did the air defense system fail to carry out its standard responses for intercepting errant planes, procedures which it had implemented some 67 times during the nine months prior to June 1, 2001?

How did the World Trade Center towers really come down? What brought down a third skyscraper, the 47-story WTC Building 7, which wasn't even hit by an airplane?

Why did it take four years for US officials to admit, only recently, that they had alleged hijacker Mohamed Atta under surveillance for years before the attacks, as part of the Pentagon's "Able Danger" operation? Why is there still no admission that the alleged hijackers of the "Hamburg Cell" were under surveillance by the CIA and other agencies for years before 2001?

Why were FBI investigators blocked from tracking the alleged hijackers before 9/11? Why was there no action on early, numerous and specific warnings from foreign governments that an attack was imminent? Who was protecting the men who would later be blamed for the "Attack On America," and why?

Why did The 9/11 Commission Report ignore most of the real questions posed by the September 11th victims' families? Who financed the hijacking operation, and why did the 9/11 Commission say "the question is of little practical significance"? Why did the Commission avoid bodies of evidence pointing to a circle of complicity within the US government and its covert agencies?

Immediately after 9/11 the US government ignored all questions and embarked on three broad policies. First, it marched us into a "pre-emptive," costly, open-ended "war on terror", with military invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, both planned and prepared long in advance of 9/11. Second, it brought the war home to America, in the form of the USA PATRIOT Act and related legislative assaults on our civil liberties and the Constitution. 

Third, it shifted literally trillions in spending priorities (in the years since) from butter to guns. We have seen an economic transformation that amounts to a "new new economy," one based on war and confiscation of vital resources around the world, and an infinite surveillance apparatus at home. (The corporate sponsors, friends and relatives, and direct members of the Bush regime have been among the leading profiteers and beneficiaries of these policies.)

We, of the broad based "9/11 truth movement" across America and the world believe that getting justice for all the victims of 9/11 is the means by which which we can both achieve peace and secure our liberties. And yet, in order to do so we must confront and expose the role of the mass media in supressing the truth of 9/11.

As a consequence, we researchers, activists and ordinary citizens with common sense are compelled to make our case directly to you, the public, for only we, the people, can act to expose the 9/11 cover-up.

Every day we are warned of the potential for new horrors, targets of a strategy of panic designed to keep us quiet.

People in New York City, particularly people of color, are being subjected to random searches as they board subways, violations of our Fourth Amendment rights. These searches won't stop any terrorists, because they are not designed to do so, but may simply be one of the most extensive trial balloons for martial law in American history.

And this was before the horror of Katrina allowed an even greater test of military rule on our soil: The commander of US forces moving into New Orleans declared to the Army Times (Sept. 2) that the city will soon look like a little Somalia, and that it is currently in the hands of an "insurgency" that must be crushed.

That is America after 9/11. There is nothing new in governments that degenerate into tyranny and plunder, or who use the tools of fear, the "strategy of tension" to keep the people confused and ready to accept policies they would never otherwise desire. When did a "great power" launch a war, without a big lie to start it? There would be nothing new about a government that allowed or even engineered an attack on its own people for political and economic gain. The list of historical precedents for both "false-flag" terror attacks and for false "casus belli" is long and sorrowful, both in this country and around the world. The United States is not unique.

Shall we be ruled by fear and the urge for flight, or shall we get together with others and stand up and fight? Shall we stay on the road to perpetual war, fiscal ruin and a police state, or shall we build a world of freedom, justice and peace? Shall we remain ruled by the lie, or live together in the light of truth? Our democracy is under threat, it is in mortal danger. The truth of 9/11 can help reignite the fire of patriotic dissent in us all and help bring about justice for the victims of 9/11, both here and around the world.

We can and must choose a different world! We invite you to participate in the ongoing 9/11 Truth events in New York City and the World. (frm/nl)

You too can be a multiplier! Click here and here for useful guides on producing your own 9/11 truth events. Or go here to learn how you can get 9/11 truth films on local public-access cable stations in your area. One easy option is to plan a screening of "The Great Conspiracy". You can have your action listed on the calendar below, which has received as many as 1500 visitors in a day. 

Challenging Consensus Reality

Unfortunately, while all this activity is often fun, it's not a game. The present administration, its supporters and allies in both major parties and the media have practically promised that a new major terror attack is coming soon. These vague warnings generate hysteria and are reckless and irresponsible, at best. The powers-that-be have shamelessly exploited 9/11 for political gain and as the pretext for serial war, trampled our natural rights and liberties, and devised even worse plans for what to do after "the next attack." 


For the 3,000 who died, for the thousands poisoned by the Ground Zero dust cloud and who still having trouble breathing, for the millions now forced to breathe depleted uranium from the continued bombing of Iraq - for you, for New York, for all who value freedom, for all who want their children to grow up in a true democracy - we must expose the 9/11 fraud and end its exploitation by the ruling elites. 

Be prepared to fight for truth, justice and a future as human beings, not tools. May we stay strong as we navigate a way out of the wilderness and take up the fight at the gates of society's mental citadel, challenging the most important power the very few have over the multitude: the power to define how we see reality.

The Great Conspiracy

Nothing's Stopping You from Organizing Your Own Showing! Yeah, you!

VENUES TO BE ANNOUNCED   |   Meanwhile...


The Great Conspiracy: The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw

74-minute documentary by Canadian journalist, media critic and 9/11 activist Barrie Zwicker. A sequel to his ground-breaking video The Great Deception.

Zwicker reviews historical precedents for 9/11 as "inside job" and examines the imperial agenda underlying state-sponsored terrorism; how fear is used to befuddle the public; the suspicious failure of the military on 9/11; the total cover-up of the 9/11 Commission; the shocking evidence that the collapse of WTC7 was a controlled demolition; and the complicity of the mainstream media in keeping the public misinformed. 

On the high-tech set of a fictional news channel (shot at Toronto's Berkeley Studios): "On this program, we ask questions the 9/11 commission and the media never asked. We introduce experts you've never seen before, provide background you never get... and other information the media keep under wraps. We avoid thought-stoppers such as anti-American, conspiracy theorists, and that new word, believedtobelinkedtoalQaeda."

This mockumentary delivers. The Great Conspiracy unmasks the wall-to-wall fraud of the so-called war on terrorism and its lynchpin, the official story of the events of 9/11.

NY 9/11 Truth offers a speakers' bureau.

A Venues are easy to find - often for free. Just give it a try. 
Try your local libraries, church halls, bars, living rooms...
W Give yourself a minimum of 10-14 days from the first announcement to promote. 
You might consult these useful guides for organizing events: here and here - or go here to learn how you can get 9/11 truth films like this one on local public-access cable stations in your area.
R And then an e-mail or number of your choice would appear here for the rsvps.
$ Some sum suggested - you could use proceeds to defray your expenses,
and contribute some of it to NY 9/11 Truth to help organize other events. 
Or whatever. If we were in it for the money, we would have joined the other side!
We just want to make sure everyone in New York City sees this film!


Leaflet: "9/11 as Inside Job?" by Nicholas Levis (PDF, 8.5" x 14," 2004)
Double sided: Print back-to-back and fold once down the center to create a miniature book. Very popular at the Ground Zero Vigil for Truth.

Leaflet: "Fallen Heroes: A message to the NYPD" by John Doe (PDF, 8.5" x 11," 2004)
Usable flat, or as the outside of a trifold, in which case you can print another leaflet on the reverse. 

Slideshow: "9/11 ... Connecting the Dots" by Global Howler (Powerpoint, 7 Mb, 2002)
Though a bit out of date, this slideshow, once featured on a now-defunct site, is well-researched and an excellent basis for presentations. Uses many of the resources highlighted on this site.

Flash Video: "BushTrek: The Voyages of Starship Enron's Prize" by TooStupidToBePresident.Com (Animation, 1.5 Mb, May 2002) 
Bush as Kirk, discussing (and ignoring) advance warnings of 9/11 with his crew (Rice, Cheney, Mineta, Powell, Ashcroft et al.) Very funny summary of the case for foreknowledge. Links to original site.


some of the best web platforms for 9/11 research & activism

The Complete 9/11 Timeline

Compiled by Paul Thompson, a comprehensive research archive 
of thousands of news reports and official documents.
The host cooperativeresearch.org needs your help to survive!

wtc7.net  - 911review.com
Two sites edited by Jim Hoffman present the best reviews of the physical evidence: 
How did the Towers really come down?

The Reading Room 
Michael Richardson's news article archive: The mainstream basis for 9/11 skepticism

9/11 Inquiry 1,2,3: Video & audio of speakers

Crimes Against Humanity
By David Ratcliffe
Peter Dale Scott on 9/11, Drugs and War
From the Wilderness "Since 9/11" page (Mike Ruppert) 
Germany & 9/11 on the Web 
9/11 Truth Radio (various researchers of all stripes)
 wtceo.org and WTC - Environmental Action (ground zero air poisoning)
sirdave.com (fantastic mix of oddities & smoking guns)
oilempire.us (various research collections, see wargames)
septembereleventh.org (visibility project)
unansweredquestions.org (UQ newswire)
questionsquestions.net (one of the originals)
standdown.net (Mark Elsis / loveearth network)
"Was Bush complicit in attacks?" (killtown's big bush page)
deceptiondollar.com (home of the deception dollar)

great sites & articles - not just 9/11

carfree.com (carfree cities)
drugwar.com (for a sane drug policy)
narconews.com (drug war and Latin America)
antiwar.com (best daily news links)
(archive devoted to Fletcher Prouty)
cooperativeresearch.org (user-driven research projects) 
wikipedia.org (online users' encyclopedia)
The National Security Archive (real American history)
thememoryhole.org (archive of stuff that gets erased)
cryptome.org (privacy, espionage, electronic surveillance)
Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe (clever daily news grab-bag)
NucNews (big daily archive of nuclear/war/mil news back to 1999)
Guerilla News Network 2.0 (citizens news network - media revolution)
xymphora.blogspot.com (smart blog)
Center for Research on Globalization (politics & economy)
Archive of John Horne's great but defunct "Elite Watch"
"Narco-Dollars for Beginners" by Catherine Austin Fitts
"The 25 Rules of Disinformation" by Michael Sweeney
"The Architecture of Modern Political Power" by Daniel Pouzzner
onlinejournal.com (weekly magazine)
legitgov.org (newswire)
nomorefakenews.com (Jon Rappoport)



selected documentaries about 9/11
Barrie Zwicker, "The Great Conspiracy"
· Shadow Government Television Episodes 1-3
· Michael Ruppert, "The Truth and Lies of Sept. 11"
· "Unanswered Questions" - landmark press conference, June 10, 2002 at Washington Press Club
· Unanswered Questions and GNN: "AfterMath - Unanswered Questions from 9/11"

a short list of other relevant films
Barbara Trent - COVERUP: Behind the Iran Contra Affair (72', 1988). Very relevant to situation today!
· Hijacking Catastrophe: 9/11, Fear and The Selling of American Empire. Stops short of examining unanswered questions 9/11 but makes a complete case for context and motive, and shows how the attacks were instantly exploited to implement longstanding plans for conquest and domestic repression.
· Two war films by Audrey Brohey & Gerhard Ungermann:
· Scott Ritter, IN SHIFTING SANDS (92', 2002). Former UN Weapons Inspector shows why Iraq had no WMD after 1998
· On how the 2000 election was stolen, see Richard Perez & Joan Sekler, UNPRECEDENTED (58', 2002)


books questioning the official story (lihop, mihop, nohop)
For a review of various 9/11 research books and videos by Carol Brouillet, click here.
· Michael C. Ruppert, Crossing the Rubicon (2004)
· Don Paul and Jim Hoffman, Waking Up from Our Nightmare: The 9/11/01 Crimes in New York (2004)
David Ray Griffin, The New Pearl Harbor (best entry for beginners, updated for a new 2004 edition) 
· Paul Thompson, The Terror Timeline. Invaluable resource. (2004) 
· Nafeez Ahmed, The War On Freedom (2002) 
Still the best scholarly treatment to date, with an excellent treatment of Afghanistan; a bit out of date.
· Michel Chossudovsky, War and Globalisation: The Truth Behind September 11 (2002)
· Len Bracken, The Shadow Government: 9/11 and State Terror (2002). Persuasive in examining 9/11 within an broad-stroke history of state-sponsored, false-flag terror in the U.S. and around the world, from Gladio and P-2 in Italy to Oklahoma City. Excellent treatment of the "Amerithrax" attacks. Two reviews available here.
· Don Paul, Facing Our Fascist State (2002)
· Eric Hufschmid, Painful Questions (2002)
Wildcard analysis of WTC as demolition. Possible mechanics of 9/11 as inside job.

essential background for understanding 9/11
Dasquie & Brisard, The Forbidden Truth (2002)
French bestseller on the U.S. negotiations with the Taliban preceding Sept. 11, includes the John O'Neill revelations and the famous threat, "a carpet of gold or a carpet of bombs." 
Here is a summary of the whole book

· Greg Palast, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy (2002) 
Includes chapter on how the incoming Bush administration called off the FBI's investigations into the Bin Laden family.
Dan Briody, THE IRON TRIANGLE (2003) 
All about The Carlyle Group, the war-profiteering fund linking the CIA, Reagan and Bush administration officials, former presidents and prime ministers from around the world, and the Bush and Bin Laden families. Compact and highly recommended. 
· Police State America, ed. Tom Burghardt. By Frank Morales, Doug Valentine et al. (2001)

books on central asian oil deals, taliban, qaeda, cia
Rule of thumb: put your trust in authors who published at least once before the avalanche of post-9/11 instant books.
Richard Labeviere, DOLLARS FOR TERROR. The United States and Islamism (2000)
· John K. Cooley, UNHOLY WARS. Afghanistan, America and International Terrorism (1999)
· Ahmed Rashid. TALIBAN. Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia (2000)
· Michael Griffin. REAPING THE WHIRLWIND. The Taliban Movement in Afghanistan (2001)
The ideological blueprint for the Central Asian war:
Zbigniew Brzezinski, THE GRAND CHESSBOARD. American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives (1997)

cia-drugs, covert economy, parapolitics, evolution of police state
Dan Russell,
DRUG WAR: Covert Money, Power & Policy, Camden NY: Kalyx.com, 1999. If you should read only one book this year, this is it. 
· Cockburn & St. Clair. WHITEOUT. The CIA, Drugs and the Press. London, 1998. Great overview, owes much to  research classics: Gary Webb's Dark Alliance, Alfred McCoy's Politics of Heroin, Martin Lee's Acid Dreams, and Dan Hopsicker's Barry and the Boys.
· Peter Dale Scott, Drugs Oil and War: The United States in Afghanistan, Colombia and Indochina (2003)
· Peter Dale Scott, Deep Politics and the Death of JFK, Berkeley (1993)

The Summer of Truth  Webpage (c) 2006 Nicholas Levis
All outside materials used for information purposes only under fair-use provisions.
A non-commercial site. Not responsible for content of linked sites.

This Page Updated 27 MAR 2005













































A Calendar for the 9/11 Truth Movement in NYC
(Click for homepage and coming events)

SUN. SEP 11, 2005

This site broke one of 2004's biggest unreported stories: 
WTC "Black Boxes" Found?