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Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need to register and login?

Registration is free and easy. Users who login to ECorner can save their favorites and create playlists. Registered users can also choose to receive email updates when we add new videos and podcasts.

How can I use these videos?

You are encouraged to use these videos and podcasts for teaching and educational purposes. The videos are licensed under a Creative Commons alternative copyright. If you have further questions, please consult our Terms of Use.

How do I create a favorites playlist?
How do I create a favorites playlist?

You must first create a profile and log in.

Find a video you want to add on ECorner and click "." From the drop-down menu, select either add the video to an existing group or "". Copying the Public URL at the top of the favorites page allows you to share your favorites playlists with others.

How can I download video content?
How can I download video content?

You must first create a profile and log in.

Find the video you want to download on ECorner. Hover over the "" link and select either WMV or MPEG-4 formats to download (We recommend WMV for Windows users and MPEG-4 for MAC users.)

A window should pop up on your browser allowing you to specify a save location. Click "" and the video will be downloaded to your save location in the format you selected.

How can I insert videos from ECorner into my PowerPoint presentations?
How can I insert videos from ECorner into my PowerPoint presentations?

You must first download the video to your computer (see above). Open Microsoft PowerPoint and select the slide you want to insert the video into.

Click the "" menu and find the "" tab. Under this tab click "".

A dialog box will pop up allowing you to browse for a file to insert. Locate the downloaded video file and click "".

PowerPoint will ask whether to start the video when clicked or automatically. Select the whichever option you need and the video will appear as an object on the slide that can be re-sized and formatted as necessary to fit the slide layout.

How can I find the video content I am looking for on ECorner?
How can I find the video content I am looking for on ECorner?

You can type specific queries into the search bar at the top of the page. This will find any matching content throughout ECorner. Selecting the "" tab provides three alternative useful ways to navigate ECorner:

1. Browse by Topic: Allows you to locate videos grouped under ten different topics.

2. Browse by Keyword: This section provides a group of randomly selected keywords that will return related video content. Hint: Selecting "..." refreshes the list.

3. Browse by Collection: Allows you to locate groups of videos listed under several collections with varying topics and purposes.

How can I copy links to the video pages on ECorner?
How can I copy links to the video pages on ECorner?

The URLs from any of the video pages on ECorner can be directly copied and pasted from your browser's navigation bar.

How can I embed video content from ECorner into my own webpage?
How can I embed video content from ECorner into my own webpage?

Locate the video you wish to embed using one of the search techniques listed above. To the right of the video on the page, locate the "" link.

Hover over this link and the code for the video will appear.

Click the "" to save the code to your computer's clipboard and paste the video code into the source code for your webpage.