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Current Version: 3.2.1
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AGS-related links

So you want to know about sites related to AGS? Well, here we have it.

Games made with AGS

AGS Games Database - the place to start when you're after a game to play

Completed Game Announcements Forum - see here for new games that may not have made it into the database yet.

AGS Games In Production Forum - browse games that are currently being made.

AGS information sites

The Resources Page has some.

SSH's AGS blog - tech hints and tips, as well as more general AGS community news and gossip

MAGS - The Monthly AGS Competition's website. Taking part is a great way to practice your AGS skills, and past games are available here for download.

AGS World Map - find out which other AGSers live near you, and add your flag

Triple A - French language site about AGS and adventures 

Game Development Sites

Adventure Developers - dedicated to adventure game developers using any game engine.

Game Creation Resources - ambrosine's massive page of links to all sorts of game engines.

GameCreators - A small site dedicated to people making all sorts of games.

Other Graphical Adventure Engines

So AGS isn't for you? Why not check out one of the alternatives:

3D Adventure Studio - a toolkit for creating adventure games in style of Gabriel Knight 3. (Currently only alpha build)

Adventure Maker - another adventure game creation program, seems designed for a 1st-person perspective. (Shareware, $29)

AGI Studio - creates AGI 16-colour games, like Space Quest I and King's Quest I. If you want to make a game that looks just like the classics, this is for you. (Freeware)

Visionaire - another game-creation utility (Shareware, EUR 20)

Wintermute - a relatively new entrant onto the scene, this supports 3D characters (Free for non-commercial use)

Older Graphical Adventure Engines
These are no longer maintained by their authors

AGAST - A scripting-based game creation utility. (Freeware)

MAD project - a Sierra SCI-style scripting system which will allow adventure game creation. (Freeware)

SCI Studio - development system for Sierra's SCI game engine. Allows you to create games that play exactly like the Sierra classics (Freeware)

SLUDGE - toolkit for adventure game creation. (Now freeware)