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Letters To The Editor

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The best letters of the week will be selected by the editorial board.

Letters To The Editor

To the Editor,
Re: Lawyers Get Grilling By Justices In Gay Issues Case

There's a simple way to continue to protest the presence of military recruiters that is legal and doesn't involve the school administrations.  

Let the GBLT groups flood the desks on recruiting day. 

After spending perhaps 15 to 20 minutes interviewing, the student announces "You really don't want me, it happens that I'm Gay."  

This accomplishes two things. It wastes the recruiter's time and forestalls endless contacts from the recruiter after the interview.  The school meets it's obligation to allow military recruiters.  The students get to legally harass the military with regard to it's shortsighted policy.

(Name Withheld)


To the Editor,
Re: Ford Pulls Gay Ads

I have read so many articles about how Christian America wants to take this and take that from the LGBT community. 

If they would spend all the time they put into their hate filled messages and boycotts they would find their bible says a lot more about their negative behavior and their hate filled messages than it ever hoped to say about the LGBT community. 

If they would let others believe what they choose to about GOD and the bible and stop pushing their beliefs on society things might be better for the LGBT community.  

One thing I know is that I would rather be in my shoes knowing that on that day when I stand before God I have a 50/50 chance of being right in my belief that a person is born being gay or straight. However, with their actions they have no way of being correct in the hate that they have spread throughout society.  

Michael Rogers
Ocala Florida


To the Editor,
Re: Anti-Gay Group Dumps Bank

Focus on the Family's decision to sever their relationship with Wells-Fargo Bank raises an interesting question: the Book of Leviticus also forbids lending or borrowing of money at interest.

Presumably Focus on the Family had no qualms about depositing their monies in interest-bearing checking and savings accounts, as well as other interest-bearing instruments. 

Is there an edition of the Holy Bible that I'm not aware of that differentiates between the sin of usury and the sin of sodomy? 

How is it then, absent such an edition, that Focus on the Family roundly condemns the latter, and practices the former?

The Rev'd. Father Raymond H. Clark
Superior (retired)
The Community of the Resurrection
San Diego California


To the Editor,
Re: Letters to the Editor

As a response to BJ from Oregon about his diatribe on homophobia, I have this to say: BJ, if you are going to use your holy book to justify discrimination (or at the very least non-support) of homosexuals and their “lifestyle,” remember, the same has been done to our people (Jews) too.

I grew up during the 1950s and 1960s and remember when Hanukkah wasn’t commercialized because no good Christian store would carry any representation of Hanukkah.  Why, because we didn’t believe in Jesus as the Savior and anyone who has read the Bible knows that one must do that to get to heaven.  We were different, and yes, people were afraid of us (Anti-Semitism is a form of fear, just as homophobia is).

So, if you want to use your holy book to justify your feelings, go for it, just expect that someone will do the same to you and you will have NO RIGHT to complain about it when it does.  In order to keep your rights, you must be willing to protect the rights of others.

S. B. "Drew" Andrews 
Houston, Texas


To the Editor,
Re: Il Divo

I' have just read your article about Il Divo and wanted to say a big thank you for the positive feel of the article. 

I agree wholeheartedly with everything you say, particularly the last bit about Il Divo NOT being boy band. 

It is so nice to hear positives about the guys as so many people in the industry have so far either sneered at them (classical people) or pooh poohed them (more poppy people).  

I think they’re forgetting that these men have truly unique and beautiful voices and were stars in their own right before becoming part of Il Divo.  Thank God for Simon Cowell (who’d have thought we’d ever say that).

Thanks a million, you’re a star. (now if you could only get them to play them on the more popular radio stations – that would be great).



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