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You are here: HomeNetscapeBrowsersUsingCommunicator Tutorial for New Users>  Building Web Pages With Composer
Building Web Pages with Composer

Communicator 4.5 Tutorial

Building Web Pages With Composer

Creating a New Web Page

Adding Text to Your Pages

Formatting Text

Placing Images

Linking to Other Pages

Working With Tables

Setting Up Your Page

Previewing Your Page

Publishing Your Page

See Also:

New to the Net


  Building Web Pages with Composer
  Many of the pages you see when you browse the web were made by ordinary people like you. You don't have to be a computer whiz - you can use Netscape Composer, part of Netscape Communicator, to create, edit, and publish your own web pages.

Netscape Composer
Composer helps you create and edit your own web pages and place (or "post") them on the web. Composer looks and acts like a word processing program, and is just as easy to use. Behind the scenes of each page on the web is code called HTML, which stands for Hypertext Markup Language. This name means that HTML is is the computer language used for marking up documents with links in them. The code, called HTML source code, tells the web browser how a page should look and act.

You don't need to know how to write HTML code to make a web page. Composer enables you to work in a WYSIWIG (what you see is what you get) environment - just like a word processor - and it automatically generates the HTML code you need to make your page do what you want it to do.

The basic elements of a web page are text, pictures, and links. You can put all of these and more on your own pages, and then publish those pages on the web.

  Here are some handy definitions for web page builders:
    HTML - Hypertext Markup Language. The code behind a web page that tells the browser how that page should look and act. Each piece of HTML is called a tag.

    Web page - A single file made up of text and HTML. (Also called an HTML document.)

    Web site - A collection of web pages stored on the same computer.

    Web server - A computer that stores the pages that make up a web site.

    Home page - The page that acts as "home base" for a web site.


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