Cathy Crimmins, author of How the Homosexuals Saved Civilization
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A gay-God?
By Sumit Baudh, India

October 2003: I find it brave and praise-worthy that the gay community in Uganda is contemplating a political status - by "threatening" to form a political party of their own. How real is this threat, I don't know. Equally, I find the cartoonist's [a cartoon appeared in The Monitor showing a man reading about the threat of a political party for gay people with a thought bubble that expressed "next they will form their own God"] humorous-suggestion of the Gays forming their own God, worthy of further contemplation. Why should the gays claim their own God? How? What are the likely fall-outs?

Why should the gays claim their own God?
About one third of the population of the Ugandan population is Roman Catholic, one third protestant, and 15-20 percent Muslim. At the same time, traditional religious beliefs and practices have survived alongside, and even been incorporated into Ugandans' observance of Christianity and Islam.

Given that two thirds of Ugandans are Christian, and the remaining Muslim or various indigenous tribes, there is little hope for the gay community to gain acceptance within these religions. The Bible is emphatic in its denouncement of the Sin of Sodomy and the Quran is equally opposed to homosexual conduct. Of course, there are some Christian churches in the US and across Europe that cater exclusively to gays; but there is sizeable opposition to it, even there. The Roman Catholic Church has taken an institutional stance of opposing homosexual relations. All of this speaks of a stiff religious opposition to homosexuality in Uganda.

In addition to the religious condemnation, there is much legal opposition as well - Section 140 Penal Code criminalizes "carnal knowledge against the order of nature" with a maximum penalty of life imprisonment. Section 141 prohibits "attempts at carnal knowledge" with a maximum penalty of 7 years' imprisonment. Section 143 punishes acts of, procurement of, or attempts to procure acts of "gross indecency" between men in public or private with up to 5 years imprisonment.

The gay community in Uganda is brave in fighting the twin opposition meted out by law and religion. Add to that, the little awareness there is about sexuality issues, which only makes it a living-nightmare to gain social acceptability for gays in Uganda. Amidst stiff opposition as this, perhaps an entity of God may provide some solace to the dismal situation. But then, neither the Christian God nor the Muslim Allah will stand in support of this persecuted minority. It is best, therefore, that the gay minority invents its own Godly entities, its own series of mythologies, folklore and culture.

That's easier said than done. It has taken years of efforts of many generations to evolve religious institutions like Christianity and Islam. Without commenting on their respective stance on sexuality, it is most laudable for what these institutions have achieved. In suggesting to create its own Godly entities, the gay community is slated for a similar such process that can well be predicted to last a span of many centuries - A collective outcome of many-many gay-generations.

Nevertheless, it is not an "Impossibility". New religions with disparate belief systems and practices are evolving the world over. Many new religious movements, like the Raelian Sect, the Oshos, the Scientologists, etc are known to have challenged traditional religious notions and successfully evolved their own set of beliefs and values - most of which may seem bizarre to those who practice more traditional forms of religions. Yet, these new religions have managed to evolve and grow. Apparently, the Hollywood blockbuster, "Matrix" has had such a fan following, that some fans believe its storyline to be true. Is there a possibility for these Matrix fans, to form a new religion - Matrix-ism, Perhaps? So, why not a new religion for gays?

Another likely, and perhaps easier option, for the gay community in Uganda, may be to associate with such new religious movements, which are supportive of gay sexuality. There are not many in this category, but some new religious movements, if not particularly encouraging, are not in direct opposition to Gays. The Soka Gakkai Buddhists in the US and Europe, are one such example.

What are the likely fall-outs?
Religion is a sensitive issue for many; within that, formation of a new religion is inherently controversial and often viewed with much skepticism. One can then only imagine the degree of controversy, angst and retaliation to an initiative that seeks to create the Gay-God! There will be constant friction between traditional religion and the imaginary, Gay-God.

Assuming that this imagination turns into a reality and that the gay community succeeds in arriving at their own religion, practices and Gay-God(s) - will that not segregate the gay community from a majority of the society?

Admittedly there is much discord between this majority and the gay-minority; but is separatism the only answer to discord? No. Reform is an alternative and much of the religious institutions and the legal system need to be reformed. I will end this article with a prayer that existent antagonism against gay people should turn into compassionate caring; and that the notion of Gay-God remains an imaginary one.


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