FT World Reports

Hier finden Sie ausgewählte World Reports der FINANCIAL TIMES. Die Berichterstattung bietet einen umfassenden und abgeschlossenen Überblick über einzelne Länder in englischer Sprache, mit Fokus auf deren Industrien und Branchen, Finanzinstitutionen und aktuelle Wirtschaftsthemen. Für Abonnenten der FINANCIAL TIMES DEUTSCHLAND ist dieses Angebot kostenlos.

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31. 03. 2008

(€) Albania 2008

Politics: Moving westward with a foot in the past. The communist legacy still casts its shadow over today's landscape. The government of Sali Berisha (pictured) is planning a new vetting law - Electricity: Moves are afoot to improve the supply network and add to generating capacity - Relations with kosovo: Poor transport links hamper crossborder trade mehr


15. 03. 2008

(€) Romania 2008

Politics: Four elections are due over the next two years, writes Quentin Peel, which might ease a damaging deadlock between president and prime minister - Judicial Reform: Corruption is an enduring problem, despite accession to the EU, and the campaign to fight it is suffering - Economy: After years of growth a slowdown is likely - but will there be a hard or soft landing - Foreign Investment: European companies are looking east mehr


13. 03. 2008

(€) Mauritius 2008

Economy: Now that its trade preferences have gone, Mauritius has had to find a different business model - Society: Peaceful coexistence of disparate ethnic groups is often cited as the reason for country's success - Taxation Treaties: Advantages as an offshore investment centre are being whittled away as developing economies revisit their pacts mehr


13. 12. 2007

(€) Mexico 2007

Politics: Adam Thomson says that much of Mr Calderón's success is the result of his decision, barely a week into his presidency, to declare war on organised crime - The drug trade: Mexico's rise as a narcoticsproducer has worried authorities and led to a concerted effort by the Mexican government to crush cartels - Housing: Between 2000 and 2006, a quiet revolution took place characterised by a rapid expansion of the mortgage market - Trucking: US objections put a road freight scheme in peril - Mexico City: Laura Dixon says the former capital of grime is now a cultural hotspot mehr


12. 12. 2007

(€) Poland 2007

The economy: Consumers are spending, construction is booming and wages are rising - Schools: While the number of Poles in postsecondary schools has shot up, teacher numbers have stayed the same - Wroclaw: Where a grim slaughterhouse has been replaced by a gleaming shopping centre - Entrepreneurship: How to make money out of a lankhaired mutant assassin - Power generation: Up to 60 per cent of the country's plants will soon be obsolete mehr


11. 12. 2007

(€) Bosnia-Herzegovina 2007

Politics: Miroslav Lajcak, the new high representative, has faced some harsh realities - Energy: Coal reserves and hydroelectric potential could see the country become the main regional electricity exporter within five years - Economy: The recent stabilisation agreement is giving comfort to foreign investors - Security: Christian Jennings reports on the risk of further conflict - Forensics: The Sarajevobased scientists who are leading the world in DNAmatching mehr


10. 12. 2007

(€) Egypt 2007

Banking: The government is preparing to privatise a second large stateowned bank - Economy: The headline numbers are much improved - Politics: The succession to Hosni Mubarak is dominating debate to the exclusion of all else - Telecommunications: A second fixedline licence is to be offered next year - Foreign Policy: Cairo resumes a role as facilitator mehr


05. 12. 2007

(€) Azerbaijan 2008

Politics: This year sees a presidential election, but there are continuing worries about the democracy deficit and levels of corruption amid fears that stability has come at the expense of freedom - Infrastructure: The country wants to be a transit hub between east and west for road and rail traffic and for oil and gas pipelines, but its own basic services are in urgent need of repair - Foreign affairs: The "frozen conflict" with Armenia over the disputed enclave of Nagorno Karabakh is Azerbaijan's greatest foreign policy challenge as it displays greater confidence on the world stage mehr


05. 12. 2007

(€) Saudi Arabia 2007

Economy: Andrew England says the government has to ensure that history does not repeat itself - after the heady days of the first oil boom, the economy stagnated - Black gold: In the space created by the lack of detailed data, a fierce debate has blown up over how much oil it can produce - Foreign policy: The dilemma for King Abdullah is how to engage in diplomacy and avert risk - Women: Rulers still avoid challenging orthodoxy mehr


04. 12. 2007

(€) Germany 2007

Economy: The future depends on freedom from the US - Profile: Peer Steinbrück, finance minister, has delivered results - Arts: Concert halls are being forced to target young listeners as the general population ages - Banking: Moves among public banks could signal a shakeout - Foreign Policy: Deploying German troops abroad is controversial mehr





Schwitz komm raus!

Das erste selbst schwitzende Trikot. mehr

Schumacher nur 15. bei Hockenheim-Qualifying

Ralf Schumacher muss sich für sein Debüt im Deu...  mehr

Marathon: Krumme Distanz auf königlichen Wunsch

Dass die Marathon-Strecke seit 100 Jahren 42,195 Kilometer beträgt, liegt nicht zuletzt am britischen Königshaus. mehr

Russland beendet Weltraumtourismus

Trotzdem können zahlende Gäste weiterhin ins All fliegen. mehr

Neue Vorwürfe gegen Ex-Siemens-Chef von Pierer

Der frühere Vorstandschef soll frühzeitig Hinweise auf die Korruption im Konzern bekommen haben. mehr

Credit Suisse verliert angeblich erneut Milliarden

Zum Verhängnis wurden den Schweizern ähnliche Geschäfte wie der Deutschen Bank. mehr

Fackellauf in Buenos Aires mit Harmonie und Polizei

So wie in Buenos Aires, genau so muss sich Chin...  mehr



Wer viele Musikdateien auf seinem Computer gespeichert hat, besitzt die Basis zum Spielen von "Audiosurf". mehr

Wirtschaftsflügel gibt Merkel eine Sechs

Der Vorsitzende der CDU-Mittelstandsvereinigung nennt die Reformbilanz der Kanzlerin "ungenügend". mehr

Gabriel teilt gegen Kohle-Gegner aus

"Es geht um das Zentrum unserer Industriegesellschaft", sagte der Umweltminister. mehr

how to spend it


Nicht bequemer, aber besser! Für echten Hochgenuss macht Sönke Jahn sich gern zum Sklaven der Maschinen. mehr

» Palästinensische Police-Academy «

Auf einer edlen Polizeiakademie in Jericho werden palästinensische Kommandeure ausgebildet. mehr