ZPacks.com Custom Ultralight Backpacking Gear by Joe Valesko
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About ZPacks

ZPacks was created in early 2005 by avid backpacker, thru-hiker, and gear designer Joe Valesko. The business was started shortly after Joe's 2004 Appalachian Trail thru-hike as a way to bring some of his home-made but highly functional gear items to the public.

All aspects of the store including gear production are handled by Joe himself. Joe is also employed full time as a software engineer.

Some of Joe's Adventures:

Appalachian Trail Thru-Hike - 2,174 miles / 142 days
When: May 17th through October 7th 2004
Trail Name: "Lightweight Joe"
Base gear weight: About 8 lbs of almost entirely home-made items.
Photos: I carried disposable cameras on this trip. Here are a few scans:
Samurai Joe's Picasa Web Album

Pacific Crest Trail Thru-Hike - 2,663 miles / 147 days
When: April 29th through September 22nd 2007
Trail Name: "Samurai Joe"
Base gear weight: About 5 lbs (gear list)
Photos: I took over 1000 digital pictures on the PCT. Here are some of the better ones:
Samurai Joe's Picasa Web Album

Shipping is always just $3.45 in the U.S. and $12.95 for Global Orders!