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January 2006

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Arts & Entertainment:

Daily Download: "On & On," Film School

Truthiness or consequences H.H.
"The Daily Show" compares news media fluffers to Oprah (01/31/2006)

The Fix
The Oscar nominees are in! And so are the Razzies! Plus: Sen. Sam Brownback on Swedish "fruits." (01/31/2006)

Aw K.L.
Winston takes the plunge. (01/31/2006)

Reviewed: A return to anthemic rock, Bocelli sings love, and what could have been the best album of 1983

Stewart: Pro-illegal aliens? K.L.
A pre-"Daily Show" Stewart is one scary mo-fo. (01/31/2006)

Camp David J.D.
When all else fails, there's always David Hasselhoff. (01/31/2006)

Ferguson's Wake H.H.
Craig Ferguson's opening monologue is a eulogy for his father. (01/31/2006)

Big men brawling K.L.
Olbermann flays O'Reilly, in the best cable clash on TV. (01/31/2006)

Patriot act K.L.
Ollie North drops to his knees -- and falls further. (02/01/2006)


The world as we know it By Ben Cosgrove
Deborah Eisenberg's wondrous "Twilight of the Superheroes" offers an intimate, glowing portrait of post-9/11 America. (01/31/2006)


WayLay By Carol Lay
Doubledee and Doubledum let a vampire enter their domain. (01/31/2006)


My mother-in-law, my mother-in-law, my mother-in-law! By Cary Tennis
I would like to see a very bad thing happen to my mother-in-law. (01/31/2006)

Girl buying power Lynn Harris
Young women school advertisers in new Business Week column. (01/31/2006)

"I can give you condoms, but I'll have to tell the cops" Lynn Harris
Kansas trial: Must counselors report teen sex? (Including "fondling with intent to arouse"?) (01/31/2006)

The "dream" dies in more ways than one Lynn Harris
Senate deals a "crushing blow" to civil rights -- and the King family legacy. (01/31/2006)

Alito's wife "molested" by Sen. Kennedy Lynn Harris
Says Chris Matthews of "Hardball." Natch. (01/31/2006)

What the hell happened? By Rebecca Traister
In 2004, a massive pro-choice rally shook Washington. Just two years later, feminists are reflecting on the failure to stop Alito and what a conservative Supreme Court will mean for women. (01/31/2006)

Ice cheerleader boos Rangers Lynn Harris
Anucha Browne Sanders isn't the only woman suing Madison Square Garden for sexual harassment. (01/31/2006)

Target still off -- and E.C. is just the tip of the "conscience" iceberg Lynn Harris
Laws pending in 18 states could allow health workers to refuse a whole lot more than emergency contraception. (01/31/2006)

Delta, Delta, Delta, can I help you overcome your heteronormativity? Lynn Harris
A workshop at USC aims to make sorority life even more welcoming to lesbians. (01/31/2006)

We heart football Sarah Goldstein
For women who know that XL is not just a T-shirt size. (01/31/2006)

Hey, is that a unicorn? No, just a little good news about abortion Lynn Harris
A federal court unanimously strikes down an abortion ban as unconstitutional. (01/31/2006)


Bush judge under ethics cloud By Will Evans
James H. Payne broke the law by ruling on corporations in which he held financial interests. Now Bush's nominee to the nation's second-highest court has the Senate and a top judge on his case. (01/31/2006)


Spinning the Alito defeat: It makes progressives stronger! Tim Grieve
The Femininst Majority's Eleanor Smeal says the Alito fight "lays the groundwork" for a future filibuster. (01/31/2006)

The State of the Union, or what ever happened to the purple finger? Tim Grieve
We're not in 2005 anymore. But does it matter? (01/31/2006)

Senate confirms Alito Tim Grieve
With the filibuster threat gone, the roll-call vote was only a formality. (01/31/2006)

The next Alito, and why "more Democrats" isn't enough Tim Grieve
It's not just a matter of electing more senators; progressives must turn around votes that are already there. (01/31/2006)

How they voted on Alito Tim Grieve
Democrats who said yes to confirmation or no to a filibuster. (01/31/2006)

Enough about SOTU: How about some answers from Alberto Gonzales? Tim Grieve
Did the attorney general lie to the Senate about Bush's warrantless spying program? (01/31/2006)

State of the Union: George W. Bush and the "duty to speak with candor" Tim Grieve
The president talks a good game. Someday, maybe he'll even tell the truth. (02/01/2006)


King Kaufman's Sports Daily
Texas A&M; sues Seahawks over use of "12th Man" and Seattle for use of "Sea" and "at." (01/31/2006)


Spendthrift America? Not exactly Andrew Leonard
The poor can't save, and the rich don't need to. (01/31/2006)

The peak oil vs. globalization smackdown Andrew Leonard
High oil prices equals higher shipping costs equals no more "free" trade. (01/31/2006)

Shareholder imbecilism Andrew Leonard
Fox News' infamous pundit-for-hire makes a fool of himself, again. (01/31/2006)

Monday, January 30, 2006

Arts & Entertainment:

Exclusive Daily Download: "Stink," Arab Strap

The Fix
Times buys "Bleep." Neverland staff stiffed and "in trouble." Plus: Frey-gate fallout at Harpo. (01/30/2006)

Introducing the Ipod Flea! K.L.
You'll be itching to use it. (01/30/2006)

SAG hags K.L.
We watched the SAG awards so you didn't have to. (01/30/2006)

Longer listens: John Hodgman and the life of a tomato over the Transom

Snore values H.H.
BBC America's "Creature Comforts" explores the joys of snoring (01/30/2006)


Making love across generations By Ann Marlowe
In an excerpt from her new memoir, Ann Marlowe ponders why she has been drawn to romances with much older -- and younger -- men. (01/30/2006)


This Modern World By Tom Tomorrow
What are the Bushies trying to hide? (01/30/2006)


Letters to the Editor update
New features on the way -- and why we ask you to sign your name. (01/30/2006)


I spend too little and save too much By Cary Tennis
Maybe it sounds crazy, but I've got to be able to spend at least a little bit of money. (01/30/2006)

Men in love By Ira Boudway
A new book asks hundreds of husbands what they think about the real issues in their marriage -- from porn and housework to adultery. (01/30/2006)

Funny women a turnoff for most men Lori Leibovich
Study finds that men see themselves as the ones who should be delivering the lines. (01/30/2006)

Why rich guys can't stop marrying Lori Leibovich
They have the cash for divorce settlements, so why not? (01/30/2006)

Emma Thompson says feminism made her dowdy Lori Leibovich
The Oscar-winning actress says she used to shave her head to make a political statement -- but now she's fine with being sleek and sexy. (01/30/2006)

Illegal abortion on the rise Sarah Goldstein
Even with Roe protected, access to safe abortion is getting harder to come by. (01/30/2006)

Breaking news: Women worry! Lori Leibovich
New studies show that women and men freak out in different ways. (01/30/2006)

Have the deaths of some female soldiers in Iraq been covered up? Lori Leibovich
Former commander Janis Karpinski testifies that women died from dehydration because they were afraid of being sexually assaulted. (01/30/2006)

Barbie: No longer the coolest girl in school? Tracy Clark-Flory
Mattel reports that sales of its Barbie brand have suffered. (01/30/2006)

Al-Jazeera shows another Jill Carroll video Page Rockwell
Her captors threatened to kill her over a week ago, but a new video suggests that she's still alive. (01/30/2006)

Boston-area high schooler jumps on the "boy crisis" bandwagon Sarah Karnasiewicz
Because only sexist feminists actually expect guys to study and pay attention in school. (01/30/2006)

No sex on the campaign trail Sarah Goldstein
Italy's P.M. straps on a chastity belt for reasons unclear. (01/30/2006)


Rebels with a cause By Walter Shapiro
GOP libertarians like New Hampshire Sen. John Sununu are fighting Bush -- and their party -- over the Patriot Act. (01/30/2006)


Alito, the Federalist Society and the future Tim Grieve
Samuel Alito's confirmation is the culmination -- for now -- of two decades of work by conservatives who want to reshape the Supreme Court. (01/30/2006)

"Alito looked me in the eye and told me that he is not an ideologue" Tim Grieve
Some of the reasons why the filibuster will fail. (01/30/2006)

A Republican vote against Alito Tim Grieve
Rhode Island Sen. Lincoln Chafee says he'll break with his party and vote against the president's nominee. (01/30/2006)

Time expires for John Kerry Tim Grieve
In what may be a metaphor for his efforts on Alito, Kerry is cut off midspeech when the Democrats' floor time expires. (01/30/2006)

Kennedy on Alito: But we've been on vacation! Tim Grieve
Conservative Republicans have a plan for the Supreme Court. Where have the Democrats been? (01/30/2006)

Conrad: I know Alito's no ideologue because he told me so Tim Grieve
The North Dakota Democrat says he'll vote in favor of the nominee. (01/30/2006)

Senate cuts off debate on Alito Tim Grieve
Bush's nominee needed 60 votes for cloture. He got 72, including 19 Democrats. (01/30/2006)


King Kaufman's Sports Daily
NFL moves more games from free TV to cable. Can poor people still be sports fans? (01/30/2006)


No pennies saved, not much earned Andrew Leonard
How was 2005 like 1933? For the answer, look at your savings account (01/30/2006)

Not so cheap labor Andrew Leonard
Workers of the world get a raise (01/30/2006)

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Arts & Entertainment:

I Like to Watch By Heather Havrilesky
Therapy time! You're going to need a little dose of the talking cure to replace those outdated sitcoms -- or even good ones like "That '70s Show" -- with modern upgrades like "The Office." (01/29/2006)


Feminist journalists unite! Lori Leibovich
WaM conference to bring women in media together (01/30/2006)

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Arts & Entertainment:

Aw Eds.
It's the Year of the Video Dog! (01/28/2006)


Sexual healing By Mary Elizabeth Williams
I used to relish the challenge of being good in bed. I read the Kama Sutra with steely discipline, confident there wasn't a skill I couldn't master. Then I had a baby. (01/28/2006)


Mitt Romney's mistake By Amanda Griscom Little
Bowing to big business, the GOP governor and presidential hopeful flip-flops on clean air for New England. (01/28/2006)

Friday, January 27, 2006

Arts & Entertainment:

Daily Download: "Bus Stop Boxer," Eels

Clarence, puppet of the gods H.H.
MTV2's "Wonder Showzen" features the most infuriating -- and delightful -- puppet in the universe (01/27/2006)

"Tristram Shandy: A Cock and Bull Story" By Stephanie Zacharek
This wonderfully absurd adaptation of the classic novel isn't afraid to laugh at itself -- and you'll laugh at it too. (01/27/2006)

"Nanny McPhee" By Stephanie Zacharek
Emma Thompson, Colin Firth and a host of other British biggies are wasted in this busy, baffling "Mary Poppins" wannabe. (01/27/2006)

"Annapolis" By Stephanie Zacharek
This trite movie about a working-class kid with big dreams is no winner, but you can't help rooting for it anyway. (01/27/2006)

The Fix
Headline writers cash in on Frey. Plus: Clay Aiken's "boyfriend" speaks and Joaquin Phoenix cheats death. (01/27/2006)

Aw Eds.
The James Frey of dogs. (01/27/2006)

Mane man H.H.
The Ministry of Unknown Science solves your hair loss problems (01/27/2006)


Oprah's revenge By Hillary Frey
The daytime queen didn't just expose the lies in James Frey's "memoir." She publicly shamed him -- and it was a little creepy. (01/27/2006)


A student has approached me about his crisis of faith By Cary Tennis
Should I tell a fundamentalist Christian student what I really think? (01/27/2006)

This just in: Sex relieves stress Page Rockwell
Unless you're having the wrong kind of sex, in which case, no stress relief for you. (01/27/2006)

Kiss your way to a better circulatory system Page Rockwell
Kissing reduces one's risk of stroke! Plus, women like kissing more than men do. (01/27/2006)

Baby panic in Germany Katharine Mieszkowski
A low birthrate sparks a national conversation about the role of fathers and mothers in parenting. (01/27/2006)

War is hot! Katharine Mieszkowski
AOL Moviefone's "Babes in Arms" loves a woman in uniform. (01/27/2006)

Madison Square Garden's flagrant foul Sarah Goldstein
Another take on the harassment charges against Isiah Thomas. (01/27/2006)

U.K. companies short their female employees Page Rockwell
Equal pay for equal work? Eh, not so much. (01/27/2006)

Massachusetts shrink outed as former stripper Lori Leibovich
The successful therapist is also caught practicing without a license -- but her patients don't really care. (01/27/2006)

Army uses Iraqi women as bait for insurgents Page Rockwell
The ACLU uncovers documents saying U.S. troops seized suspected insurgents' wives to use as "leverage." (01/27/2006)

Bats trade gray matter for larger testes Tracy Clark-Flory
A study finds that in bat species with promiscuous females, male bats have larger testes and smaller brains. (01/27/2006)


The reform charade By Michael Scherer
Republicans and Democrats alike are touting their pathetic versions of lobbying "reform." Here are five things to look for if you want to know whether they're serious. (01/27/2006)


Bush's weak evasion By Joe Conason
If the president has nothing to hide about his relationship with Jack Abramoff, why won't he release photos of them together? (01/27/2006)

More than a "few rotten apples" By Brig. Gen. David Irvine and David Danzig
A U.S. soldier who tortured an Iraqi general to death got his wrist slapped. Yet his appalling sentence made a certain sense. (01/27/2006)

How do you like your democracy now, Mr. Bush? By Juan Cole
Hamas' stunning victory underlines the contradictions and hypocrisies in Bush's Mideast policies. (01/27/2006)

The filibuster fiasco By Walter Shapiro
If they had geared up from the start to stop Alito, the Dems might have at least won a political battle. Now they'll lose both ways. (01/27/2006)


Doing the numbers on the Alito filibuster Tim Grieve
Even senators who support John Kerry's bid acknowledge that it's unlikely to stand in the way of the judge's confirmation. (01/27/2006)

Nominating a judge or interfering with an investigation? Tim Grieve
The chief prosecutor in the Abramoff case resigns after Bush names him to the federal bench. (01/27/2006)

More Democrats swing toward Alito; filibuster seems hopeless Tim Grieve
If North Dakota's Democratic senators back the nominee, blocking Alito becomes all but impossible. (01/27/2006)

Who's to blame for Samuel Alito? Tim Grieve
It's easy to point fingers at Democrats who won't filibuster, but they weren't alone in getting us here. (01/27/2006)

Ann Coulter: Someone should poison Justice Stevens Tim Grieve
Did she just commit a federal crime? (01/27/2006)

Report: U.S. Army using women as bait in Iraq Tim Grieve
Military documents show that the U.S. Army has detained women in order to lure their husbands into custody. (01/27/2006)

Feinstein: I'll back the filibuster after all Tim Grieve
After saying that she didn't see the "gross moral turpitude" required for a filibuster, the California senator says she'll vote against cloture on Monday. (01/27/2006)


King Kaufman's Sports Daily
Look back in horror: NFL predictions reviewed. Or: What ever happened to that Eagles-Colts Super Bowl? (01/27/2006)

Table Talk:

The dissent of man
How do you fight when you feel you have no power? TTers use their wits and their wit, this week. (01/27/2006)


Ask the pilot By Patrick Smith
Getting the silent treatment from airlines. Why are they so bad at customer relations? (01/27/2006)

Bring on the biofuels Andrew Leonard
Ethanol's bad rap for energy efficiency is bogus. (01/27/2006)

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Arts & Entertainment:

Salon Exclusive Daily Download: "Nomathemba," Ladysmith Black Mambazo

Beyond the Multiplex By Andrew O'Hehir
As Jennifer Aniston and her celebrity friends sweep up the accolades in Park City, one thing is clear: Sundance has lost its cultural mojo. (01/26/2006)

I'm just a Bill H.H.
Colbert interviews New Jersey Rep. Bill Pascrell (01/26/2006)

The Fix
Brad and Angelina: To wed or not to wed? Burroughs fends off Frey factor. Plus: Aniston's Sundance cabbie drives and tells! (01/26/2006)

Models that make you throw up K.L.
"Project Runway" nudges a model toward a life of chemical dependence. (01/26/2006)

Superhandz K.L.
Useless hobbies that are great fun to watch. (01/26/2006)

Aw (update) Eds.
Adorable fluffy white doggy's name revealed! (01/26/2006)

The man with the tan H.H.
George Hamilton's smooth moves on "Dancing with the Stars" (01/26/2006)

Oprah freys James, Part 1 K.L.
Oprah sticks it to James Frey. (01/26/2006)

Around the Web: K-Fed gets funky and Easter gets very weird indeed

Oprah freys James, Part 2: The truth about Lilly K.L.
Frey and Oprah square off, No. 2. (01/26/2006)

Oprah freys James, Part 3: The dentist K.L.
Oprah freys James over the root canal story. (01/26/2006)

Oprah freys James, Part 4: The missing piece K.L.
Frey's editor starts the spin. (01/26/2006)

Oprah freys James, Part 5: Our sympathies shift
The bossy journalism pundits jump in. (01/26/2006)


"The Thin Place" By Laura Miller
In Kathryn Davis' lustrous new novel, cosmic forces seep into a small Vermont town and an adolescent girl brings a man back to life. (01/26/2006)


Tom the Dancing Bug By Ruben Bolling
"Brokeback" was just the start! Coming soon: Extra-sensitive gay invaders from outer space! (01/26/2006)


Should I give up on having a life in the theater? By Cary Tennis
I've let go of my acting career, but it won't let go of me. (01/26/2006)

No more "booth babes"? Page Rockwell
Video-game conference threatens to enforce its no-nudity policy. (01/26/2006)

Eating disorders in the spotlight at Sundance Sarah Karnasiewicz
"Girl culture" photographer Lauren Greenfield premieres a devastating new documentary. (01/26/2006)

Silicone's scary side effects Sarah Karnasiewicz
What's worse: wrinkles or permanent, bulging scars? (01/26/2006)

A worldwide call to antiwar women Sarah Karnasiewicz
Help make International Women's Day all about peace. (01/26/2006)

Ta-tas of the Times Rebecca Traister
Alex Kuczynski opens up about her cup size. (01/26/2006)

"Beauty and the Geek" finds Aphrodite's inner Athena Sarah Goldstein
Subverting gender stereotypes one reality show at a time. (01/26/2006)


Countdown to the Iranian bomb By Tracy Clark-Flory
A top proliferation expert says the real danger isn't a nuclear attack by Iran, but a Middle East arms race. (01/26/2006)


Bush and Bremer By Sidney Blumenthal
Forget his self-serving new memoir. The former proconsul ignored warnings about Iraq -- just like his see-no-evil boss. (01/26/2006)


A blow for the White House spying program Tim Grieve
When a senator proposed something less than the NSA spying program, the administration warned that it might be unconstitutional. (01/26/2006)

"Senators in Need of a Spine" Tim Grieve
Filibuster Alito? Mary Landrieu says the Senate has more "pressing" matters before it. (01/26/2006)

Revisionist history on the president's authority Tim Grieve
Bush says Congress gave him a blank check in 2001. The legislative history says otherwise. (01/26/2006)

Alito picks up another Democrat Tim Grieve
South Dakota's Tim Johnson says he'll join Ben Nelson in crossing over for Bush's nominee. (01/26/2006)

Facts are stupid things, again Tim Grieve
How hard can it be to get the story straight on Abramoff? (01/26/2006)

A third Democrat for Alito Tim Grieve
As progressives cling to hope for a filibuster, the AP says Robert Byrd will vote to confirm Bush's nominee. (01/26/2006)

Those disappearing Abramoff photos Tim Grieve
If they really don't matter, why not release them? (01/26/2006)

Kerry to push for Alito filibuster Tim Grieve
Frist sets cloture vote for Monday afternoon. (01/26/2006)


King Kaufman's Sports Daily
If loving Ron Artest is wrong, the Kings don't want to be right. Plus: "Charity" update. (01/26/2006)


The Goldilocks scenario Andrew Leonard
How long is that global economy porridge going to taste just right? (01/26/2006)

Open source goes to Davos Andrew Leonard
Cue the trumpets: A free software pioneer is now a Young Global Leader. (01/26/2006)

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Arts & Entertainment:

Daily Download: "Awful Raw," Mike Ladd

The Fix
"Daniel" dropped. Yet another literary hoax revealed. Plus: Does Kanye West need our prayers? (01/25/2006)

Aw Eds.
Mr. Booker's ready for his close up. (01/25/2006)

Free the world, buy my bumper sticker! K.L.
Rick Santorum on what you can do for your country (01/25/2006)

Hidden valley ranching H.H.
Conan O'Brien addresses President Bush's comments on "Brokeback Mountain" (01/25/2006)

Around the Web: Kanye gets crucified, Detroit demolishes and Sundance rocks

How green is my hidden valley? H.H.
"The Daily Show" talks to a cowboy about gay culture (01/25/2006)

Dominating the dominatrix H.H.
O'Reilly wants this professional dominatrix to know that she disgusts him! (01/25/2006)

Aw Eds.
Snowflake? Fluffy? Help name this dog! (01/26/2006)


Did Reagan win the Cold War? By Laura Miller
John Lewis Gaddis' history succinctly captures the long faceoff that shaped our world. But his analysis is marred by Reagan worship. (01/25/2006)


The K Chronicles By Keith Knight
How's this for a way to start off the new year? (01/25/2006)


My family treats my dad like dirt By Cary Tennis
I can't believe the cruelty and I don't know what to do. (01/25/2006)

We are "natural family" Lynn Harris
The Kanab, Utah, City Council adds bigotry to the area's many attractions. (01/25/2006)

FDA: Better skinny than slutty Lynn Harris
Panel recommends OTC status for "controversial" emergency contraception -- no, sorry, diet pill. (01/25/2006)

Skeleton coach not going to Turin after all Lynn Harris
The USOC throws the book at Jim Nardiello. (01/25/2006)

Knicks' Isiah Thomas charged with sexual harassment Lynn Harris
"Foul!" cries the New York Post. (01/25/2006)

The Laurel Hester effect Lynn Harris
After a dying gay cop's victory, domestic partner benefits are spreading in New Jersey. (01/25/2006)

Blame the Mother, Vol. 23048230545902 Lynn Harris
Independent Women's Forum slams moms who consort with "felonious polecats." (01/25/2006)

A bitch's thoughts on Condi Rebecca Traister
Angry Black Bitch ruminates on our Secretary of State. (01/25/2006)

Harassment U. Lynn Harris
Study: Sexual harassment by men -- and women -- is common on campus, but its emotional impact on "coeds" is greater. (01/25/2006)

Teens: Country headed in wrong direction Lynn Harris
Listen up, grown-ups! (01/25/2006)


Bombs vs. ballots By Christoph Schult
Its leaders are talking like politicians -- and Hamas could win big in historic Palestinian elections. (01/25/2006)


Energy independence By Garrison Keillor
Who can afford another astronomical gas bill? A case for turning down the heat. (01/25/2006)

No Bush, please -- we're Canadian By David Beers
Canada just elected a right-wing prime minister, Stephen Harper. But he had to distance himself as far as possible from George W. Bush to win. (01/25/2006)


Hey look, it's me! With the president! Tim Grieve
Is Jack Abramoff showing off his White House photo collection? And if so, why? (01/25/2006)

A stone wall is like a levee, only different Tim Grieve
The president once said that national security required a thorough investigation into Katrina. So why is the White House blocking that work now? (01/25/2006)

Iraq and the "thin green line" Tim Grieve
A report commissioned by the Pentagon says the United States is in a race against time in Iraq -- and that it won't win if it doesn't change. (01/25/2006)

Waiting for the inevitable on Alito Tim Grieve
The Senate begins debate on the nomination, but the outcome isn't really in doubt. (01/25/2006)

You just don't understand Tim Grieve
New research shows that Republican and Democrats both block out facts that disrupt their biases. (01/25/2006)

The semantics of spying and spin Tim Grieve
The White House wants to change the way we talk about its warrantless surveillance program. (01/25/2006)


King Kaufman's Sports Daily
Goodbye, Super Mario's ghost. Plus: Seahawks, Steelers, AP agree Super Bowl should be played in Seattle. (01/25/2006)


Will BlackBerry go out of season? By Sam Natapoff
An intellectual property lawsuit could silence the ever-present hand-held e-mail device. (01/25/2006)

Industrial policy: Don't call it a comeback Andrew Leonard
An economist to die for: Harvard's Dani Rodrik (01/25/2006)

A twisted tale of Chinese porcelain Andrew Leonard
Reverse engineering, industrial espionage: Been there, done that, got the T-shirt in the 17th century (01/25/2006)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Arts & Entertainment:

Daily Download: "The Greatest," Cat Power

My life's liner notes By Jason Roeder
At age 7, I exploded onto the pop/minimalist scene playing the first eight notes to "Star Wars." Note how "Barnaby Jones" swells as I leave to eat fish sticks. (01/24/2006)

Soccer moms + Nascar dads = K.L.
Babies down on Bush. (01/24/2006)

The Fix
Did Cruise put the kibosh on Katie's sex scene? More Frey fabrications? Plus: Bush on "Brokeback"! (01/24/2006)

Reviewed: Chan Marshall channels Memphis, Rilo Kiley frontwoman goes solo and Brit newcomers mix art and ADD

Aw K.L.
Aw: Netty the couch potato. (01/24/2006)

Duck, duck, truce H.H.
"The Colbert Report" dissects Osama bin Laden's latest message (01/24/2006)

She's no Margaret K.L.
"Wife Swap's" near brawl. (01/24/2006)

Dodgeball H.H.
"The Daily Show" skewers the White House's dodgy tactics on Abramoff (01/24/2006)

Why is President Bush so awesome? K.L.
Rocketboom asks the question (01/24/2006)

Will you miss "The West Wing"?
Salon staffers explain why they stopped watching -- or why they're still hanging in there. (01/24/2006)

Around the Web: The Bon Jovi airplane scare that launched a thousand jokes, and the band that every NY critic had to see


"Fidelity is a personality trait" By Ayelet Waldman
In an excerpt from Ayelet Waldman's new novel, sparks fly between heroine Emilia Greenleaf and her older, married lover. (01/24/2006)


WayLay By Carol Lay
Twin catastrophes Doubledee and Doubledum long for something exciting to happen... (01/24/2006)


I left the suburbs for Chicago, but there's a boy back home By Cary Tennis
Here I am at the crossroads. What would you do? (01/24/2006)

The man behind Abercrombie & Fitch By Benoit Denizet-Lewis
Mike Jeffries turned a moribund company into a multibillion-dollar brand by selling youth, sex and casual superiority. Not bad for a 61-year-old in flip-flops. (01/24/2006)

Antiabortion activists mark Roe anniversary Lori Leibovich
They see Roberts, Alito and younger activists as signs of a turning tide against abortion. (01/24/2006)

Not your mother's Good Housekeeping Lori Leibovich
A powerful U.K. editor says magazines need more diversity -- and sex toys. (01/24/2006)

French chicks get under the hood Lori Leibovich
A new school for female mechanics aims to change attitudes about what's considered a male-dominated profession. (01/24/2006)

What did Oprah know? Hillary Frey
As more questions over James Frey's past surface, Broadsheet wonders what Oprah is thinking. (01/24/2006)

Sketchy Olympic team coach reinstated Page Rockwell
An arbitration hearing clears the U.S. skeleton coach of sexual harassment charges, even though he doesn't deny making gross remarks to athletes. (01/24/2006)

Pee-male Rebecca Traister
A portable urinal for girls. (01/24/2006)

G-spot geography Rebecca Traister
Get out the map! (01/24/2006)

In search of young virgins Lori Leibovich
Rich Chinese men advertise for chaste wives. (01/24/2006)

Young women expect higher wages Page Rockwell
Survey says teenage girls no longer expect lower wages than their male counterparts do. (01/24/2006)

Mother Jones crunches the numbers Lori Leibovich
The magazine collects a bevy of (troubling) facts about women. (01/24/2006)

Saudi women blog about oppression Page Rockwell
The Web lets young Saudi Arabian women rage against the machine. (01/24/2006)


A marriage cemented by terror By Nathan Guttman
Bush and Sharon's strong relationship was based on mutual self-interest -- and a shared good-and-evil ideology. (01/24/2006)


A hole in the president's Katrina defense Tim Grieve
Bush said that no one anticipated that the levees would fail in New Orleans. A new report shows that the White House was warned. (01/24/2006)

GOP congressman: Abramoff a "partisan, conservative Republican activist" Tim Grieve
Rep. John Doolittle says his colleagues are just keeping up appearances with ethics reform proposals. (01/24/2006)

Alito clears Judiciary Committee Tim Grieve
With a 10-8 party line vote, the nominee does better than Clarence Thomas but not as well as John G. Roberts. (01/24/2006)

Alito, Bush and the Democrats: What did you expect? Tim Grieve
It's no surprise that Bush nominated someone like Alito. It shouldn't be a surprise that Democrats are voting against him. (01/24/2006)

For Bush's spying program, a bad poll, a new name and some false facts Tim Grieve
Americans want an independent counsel to investigate. (01/24/2006)


King Kaufman's Sports Daily
Kobe Bryant's 81-point game: Mad egomania or thrilling achievement? Either way, let's have more. (01/24/2006)


Class warfare, anyone? Andrew Leonard
While the global overlords flirt in Davos, trouble brews at home. (01/24/2006)

Ford fumbles the future Andrew Leonard
Stupidity, not foreign competition, is Detroit's real problem. (01/24/2006)

Iran's real secret weapon Andrew Leonard
Could Iran's embrace of the euro bring down the American empire? (01/24/2006)

Monday, January 23, 2006

Arts & Entertainment:

Salon Exclusive Daily Download: "Ambiguity," David Thomas Broughton

Longer listens: James Frey talks about his prison days

The Fix
A look back at the pundits who predicted box office woe for "Brokeback." Plus: Bye-bye, "West Wing." Hello, baby J.Lo? (01/23/2006)

Black, not like him K.L.
Why must black politicians be expected to speak for all black people? (01/23/2006)

Aw K.L.
Hunny has a ball. (01/23/2006)

Bling on ice K.L.
Ice skating and R&B;, a match made in hell. (01/23/2006)

Battling baldness H.H.
SNL offers help for bald babies everywhere (01/23/2006)

Hardballs K.L.
MSNBC pundit-comedians joke about "Bareback Mounting" and "Fudgepack Mountain." (01/23/2006)

Tastes like chicken Eds.
The answer to a mysterious translated ad riddle. (01/23/2006)

Dark-sided! K.L.
The famous, crazy "Trading Spouses" lady. (01/23/2006)


America's unlikely defender By Oliver Broudy
French provocateur Bernard-Henri Levy denounces anti-Americanism and defends the idealism of the neocons. (01/23/2006)


This Modern World By Tom Tomorrow
Fear Factor: The terrifying world of the average conservative! (01/23/2006)


Our host reimbursed us for a theft in his house By Cary Tennis
My father is furious that my boyfriend accepted money when we were guests in Africa. (01/23/2006)

Naomi Wolf meets Jesus Christ Rebecca Traister
Another charismatic male figure overtakes the well-known feminist. (01/23/2006)

Queen of Playboy Rebecca Traister
The fascinating, confusing Christie Hefner. (01/23/2006)

The Huffman smackdown Rebecca Traister
Video Dog captures a moment of television beauty. (01/23/2006)

Should a princess ascend to the Japanese throne? Rebecca Traister
Japan debates changing the 2,000-year-old rules of its monarchy. (01/23/2006)

Victory for Laurel Hester! Rebecca Traister
A nice surprise in New Jersey. (01/23/2006)

Fetal assault bill gets first-round approval in Nebraska Rebecca Traister
Bill would allow criminal charges to be brought against anyone who harms a fetus in "any stage" of development. (01/23/2006)

Smokin' Rebecca Traister
The New York Times profiles an all-female crew of firefighters. (01/23/2006)

Thunder from down under Rebecca Traister
An angry piece about the lack of opportunities for Australian women. (01/23/2006)

The "war on boys" escalates Rebecca Traister
Newsweek's cover catapults the issue to the middle of the American consciousness. (01/23/2006)

Molly Ivins on how lame Hillary Clinton is Rebecca Traister
The columnist sounds off on the New York senator's presidential plans. (01/23/2006)

Cindy Sheehan, matriot Rebecca Traister
The antiwar activist blogs on the Huffington Post. (01/23/2006)

Blogger bows out Rebecca Traister
Feministe blogger Lauren retires (temporarily?) from the game. (01/23/2006)

Female cabbie blogs about NYC Tracy Clark-Flory
Blogger offers inside look at the good, the bad and the ugly of New York City. (01/23/2006)


Bush nominee broke law By Will Evans
A federal judge nominated to the U.S. Circuit Court owned stock in corporations involved in lawsuits brought before him. (01/23/2006)


Facing the truth about Alito and Roe Tim Grieve
Frist brags that the nominee is a "nightmare" for Democrats because he knows what's at stake. (01/23/2006)

The lobbyist, the president ... and a photographer Tim Grieve
Time magazine says it has seen five photographs of George W. Bush posing with Jack Abramoff. (01/23/2006)

The ombudsman makes a case for truthiness Tim Grieve
Deborah Powell says she was wrong about Jack Abramoff, but her defiant new column tells only half the truth. (01/23/2006)

Bush and Abramoff: Photos don't lie, but did the White House? Tim Grieve
Or does the president always invite the chairmen of Indian tribes to White House Chanukah parties? (01/23/2006)

Are Libby's lawyers teeing up a pardon? Tim Grieve
In court filings, attorneys say they'll need to subpoena reporters and use classified information if the case ever goes to trial. (01/23/2006)


King Kaufman's Sports Daily
NFL beatdown day: Steelers, Seahawks earn Super Bowl berths with routs in conference title games. (01/23/2006)


Global fishiness By Charles Fishman
How can Wal-Mart sell Chilean salmon for $4.84 a pound? An excerpt from "The Wal-Mart Effect." (01/23/2006)

The unbearable pain of everyday low prices Andrew Leonard
What do we learn from "The Wal-Mart Effect"? (01/23/2006)

Our right to know about Wal-Mart Andrew Leonard
Georgia and Wal-Mart: What Republicans don't want us to know. (01/23/2006)

Business Week hearts outsourcing Andrew Leonard
"The future of outsourcing" or the future of hype? (01/23/2006)

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Arts & Entertainment:

I Like to Watch By Heather Havrilesky
Thrill seeker Jack Bauer of "24" risks his neck to save the world from terrorism, while the comfort seekers of "Project Runway" whine about broken needles and pesky stretch fabric. (01/22/2006)

They just don't click K.L.
Nice commercial for . . . something. (01/22/2006)


ex-Met wife Rebecca Traister
Anna Benson doesn't like getting blamed for the Mets' decision to trade her husband. (01/23/2006)

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Arts & Entertainment:

"Underworld: Evolution" By Stephanie Zacharek
Kate Beckinsale's latex-clad bod is all there is to recommend about this gory Gothic sequel. (01/21/2006)


Whipping the Post By Farhad Manjoo
The Washington Post put a lid on angry readers by removing a letters blog from its Web site. Now the paper's ombudsman defends her assertion that crooked lobbyist Jack Abramoff "directed" money to Democrats. (01/21/2006)

Rove: It's the (eternal) war, stupid! By Walter Shapiro
In his first speech in two months, "Bush's brain" laid out his plan for GOP victory: War, war and more war. (01/21/2006)

The bin Laden book club By Michael Scherer
How the world's most notorious terrorist just launched an obscure left-wing American author into bestseller stardom. (01/21/2006)

Friday, January 20, 2006

Arts & Entertainment:

Salon Exclusive Daily Download: "Polska pe vverveningen," Vdsen

Cornered K.L.
The encroachment of TV corner graphics (01/20/2006)

"Looking for Comedy in the Muslim World" By Stephanie Zacharek
Albert Brooks brings people of all religions together for a great big group yawn. (01/20/2006)

Golijov's world By Kevin Berger
Osvaldo Golijov is the best-kept secret in contemporary music. But America is about to discover the passionate Argentine composer. (01/20/2006)

The Fix
Paris' bumbling deposition now online. Abramoff's dad lashes out at Clooney. Plus: A Web site that counts F-words! (01/20/2006)

Aw H.H.
Cuddling javelinas in New Mexico (01/20/2006)

Around the Web: Hip-hop feuds, dastardly new marketing schemes and why Meg White prefers Homer to Lisa

How much money did you take from Jack Abramoff? K.L.
Another in-depth look at our Congress from Stephen Colbert. (01/20/2006)


My life as a man By Andrew O'Hehir
Dressed in drag, Norah Vincent visited strip clubs and dated women to find out what it means to be a man. She ended up in the loony bin. (01/20/2006)


A New York apartment and a fiance come between two best friends By Cary Tennis
I'm paying for a place I'm not living in -- and living in a place I'm not paying for. (01/20/2006)

World census needs more info on women Page Rockwell
The U.N. says that to improve women's quality of life worldwide, we need better census data. (01/20/2006)

Amazon customers get silly with Kate O'Beirne Page Rockwell
The author's antifeminist polemic prompts 218 reader reviews, most of them sarcastic. (01/20/2006)

New plastic surgery magazine cuts to the chase Sarah Elizabeth Richards
Skin Deep asks: "Mirror mirror on the wall, what to fix first?" (01/20/2006)

N.J. county rejects dying gay cop's pleas -- again Page Rockwell
The Ocean County freeholders show terminally ill police officer Laurel Hester no mercy. (01/20/2006)

Kissing teen drops suit against Christian school Katharine Mieszkowski
Girl had a relationship with another female student. (01/20/2006)

San Francisco to celebrate Roe v. Wade anniversary with dueling protests Katharine Mieszkowski
Walk for Life West Coast marchers will be met by pro-choice counterdemonstrators. (01/20/2006)

Dolly Parton: "She's an eagle when she flies" Rebecca Traister
Broadsheet's big 60th birthday crush on the singer. (01/20/2006)

Starbucks starts a dating service Page Rockwell
Java giant joins Yahoo! personals, offers users hot coffee. (01/20/2006)

High-tech antirape devices shown as art Tracy Clark-Flory
An artist transforms the horrors of sexual assault into a shocking exhibit. (01/20/2006)


Full text of the bin Laden tape

Fear of spying By Walter Shapiro
Democratic strategists say opposing Bush on NSA spying makes the party look weak. Of course, that's what they said about Iraq. (01/20/2006)

Fear and loathing in Baghdad By David Axe
For the few Western reporters left in Iraq, Jill Carroll's kidnapping is their worst nightmare. (01/20/2006)


A tip for the cowardly press corps By Joe Conason
Scott "Stonewall" McClellan arrogantly insists on "specific" questions about Abramoff's ties to the White House. OK, here's one: Did Bush meet with the lobbyist on May 9, 2001? (01/20/2006)


Bin Laden is back; let's smear Michael Moore Tim Grieve
Chris Matthews uses the reemergence of the al-Qaida leader as a chance to attack the left. John Kerry -- John Kerry! -- comes to Moore's defense. (01/20/2006)

What the Bush administration wants Tim Grieve
Defending the president's warrantless spying plan, the Justice Department says the government would "like" to have more power vested in the executive. (01/20/2006)

Representative #1: "If I'm indicted, I'm running" Tim Grieve
Ohio Republican Bob Ney says he's in, no matter what. (01/20/2006)

For Rove camp, the wait is a drag Tim Grieve
The Wall Street Journal says Rove's team is "frustrated" by the uncertainty over his status in the Plame case. (01/20/2006)

Could there still be a filibuster in Alito's future? Tim Grieve
Illinois Democrat Dick Durbin says it's too early to say no. (01/20/2006)


King Kaufman's Sports Daily
The NFL's best day: One favorite, one underdog the picks in conference title games. (01/20/2006)

Table Talk:

Decisions, decisions
Bad choices, good choices, awards show choices, and choices that are nobody else's business -- this week in TT. (01/20/2006)


Ask the pilot By Patrick Smith
What's that Great Dane doing beneath my Airbus? And other questions only the pilot can answer. (01/20/2006)

Big Pharma to Africa's aid? Really? Andrew Leonard
Roche says it will help poor countries make cheap drugs, no questions asked. Why? (01/20/2006)

The Internet is falling, the Internet is falling! Andrew Leonard
Balkanization, fragmentation ... cyberspace is doomed! (01/20/2006)

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Arts & Entertainment:

Daily Download: "Night Is Over," Craig Wedren

Beyond the Multiplex By Andrew O'Hehir
In his explosive new film, "Why We Fight," Eugene Jarecki argues that America went to war in Iraq because war is what America does best. (01/19/2006)

Lou Reed takes his best shots By Amy Reiter
The rock legend discusses his digital photography and Warhol before suddenly asking, "If the sun was an oboe, what would you do?" (01/19/2006)

The Fix
The Colin Farrell sex tape returns. So does Miss America. And what's all this about a Ted Kennedy love child? (01/19/2006)

No hostile nation left behind! H.H.
Colbert suggests combining education reform with foreign policy (01/19/2006)

Conan the Finlandian H.H.
Conan O'Brien influences recent elections in Finland (01/19/2006)

Gay mafia strikes again! H.H.
Michael Medved takes issue with pro-gay, anti-marriage message of "Brokeback Mountain" (01/19/2006)

Lucan vs. Kerrigan H.H.
Who can communicate more effectively, Nancy Kerrigan or the little boy raised by wolves? (01/19/2006)

Learn good talking now! H.H.
The Ministry of Unknown Science shows you how to improve your communication skills (01/19/2006)


A problem from hell By G. Pascal Zachary
Does applying the generic label of "genocide" to violence in Darfur make it even harder to stop the killing? (01/19/2006)


Tom the Dancing Bug By Ruben Bolling
Super-Fun-Pak Comix: Oprah's Classix Comix, Office Follies, Dinkle, the Unlovable Loser, and more! (01/19/2006)


The sex is great, but afterward ... I need to sleep alone By Cary Tennis
I'm a normal man in my 30s, but sharing my bed leads to sleepless nights. (01/19/2006)

Pollitt takes a swipe at the "war on boys" Rebecca Traister
The Nation columnist sounds off at critics who would hide their sons from gangs of educated women. (01/19/2006)

Are men crueler than women? Tracy Clark-Flory
Researchers find that men take pleasure in seeing pain inflicted on deserving victims, while women do not. (01/19/2006)

Can house calls make a difference in new mothers' lives? Sarah Karnasiewicz
A successful new nonprofit sends nurses into the homes of young, low-income mothers and children. (01/19/2006)

Here she comes, "Mr. Saugus High School" ... Sarah Karnasiewicz
A Massachusetts high school girl goes head-to-head with her male classmates for a pageant crown. (01/19/2006)

Kathleen Turner: Over 50, sexy and as smart as hell Sarah Karnasiewicz
The actor tells a British paper why she has had it with Hollywood. (01/19/2006)

Pro-choicers on Ayotte, Take 2 Sarah Karnasiewicz
Nancy Keenan of NARAL says yesterday's Supreme Court decision was a severe blow to women's reproductive freedom. (01/19/2006)

America's pompom girls go radical! Sarah Karnasiewicz
Behold the latest chapter in cheerleading's media makeover. (01/19/2006)

One of Motown's "girls" gets political Cecelie Berry
Councilwoman Martha Reeves uses her voice to help her hometown. (01/19/2006)

"Lady" Laura not headed for the Senate Sarah Karnasiewicz
President Bush pooh-poohs speculation that the first lady might make a bid for office. (01/19/2006)

Kicking some anti-feminist ass Rebecca Traister
A blogger takes apart a Salon interview with admirable skill. (01/19/2006)

One of Motown's "girls" goes political Cecelie Berry
Councilwoman Martha Reeves uses her voice to help her hometown. (01/19/2006)


The beef over pet food By Katharine Mieszkowski
Bowser gets raw meat because wolves eat it in the wild. Tabby gets raw chicken because lions don't eat kibble. But vets say the recent trend of raw feeding is dangerous to pets and people. (01/19/2006)

Jill Carroll's Iraq dispatches
Nearly a year before she was abducted in Baghdad, freelance reporter Jill Carroll covered Iraq's legislative election for Salon. (01/19/2006)


Republicans gone wild By Sidney Blumenthal
"Ethics reform" gestures and suddenly hazy memories can't hide the truth: Abramoff is an integral part of the GOP machine that revved up with the '94 "revolution." (01/19/2006)


Report: Bush's spy briefings appear to have been illegal Tim Grieve
For the second time, the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service finds legal problems in the NSA program. (01/19/2006)

The "best person" he could find? Tim Grieve
The president will appoint a new CFO for Homeland Security. It's Grover Norquist's younger brother. (01/19/2006)

Another chance for a chicken hawk Tim Grieve
Good news for aging supporters of the Iraq war: The Army is raising the maximum age for active-duty recruits. (01/19/2006)

The arms race on ethics reform Tim Grieve
Both parties have proposals. One comes closer to dealing with the problems at hand. (01/19/2006)

Bill Frist gets his war room (just not this one) Tim Grieve
Out-messaged too often by Harry Reid's operation, the majority leader decides it's time to get serious. (01/19/2006)

Google much? The Justice Department wants to know Tim Grieve
To defend an antiporn law, government lawyers say they need to see search engine logs. (01/19/2006)

Can't stand the heat? Turn off the comments Tim Grieve
The Post's ombudsman gets it wrong on Abramoff. The editors are tired of hearing about it. (01/19/2006)


King Kaufman's Sports Daily
Tiresome sports-entertainment synergy: Bad news and good at ESPN. Plus: NBA player goes into stands. (01/19/2006)


Earth to "Syriana": Thank you! Andrew Leonard
Celluloid Greens: George Clooney and Co. sign the Kyoto Protocol (01/19/2006)

The boneheaded carnality of man Andrew Leonard
Will China overtake the U.S.? Biblical prophecy says yes (01/19/2006)

Supercenter this! Andrew Leonard
Wal-Mart turns Idaho into Michael Moore country (01/19/2006)

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Arts & Entertainment:

Daily Download: "Kapsburger - 5/4," Clogs

President of the diatribe club H.H.
Bill O'Reilly challenges you to "debate" him on his show! (01/18/2006)

The Fix
Britney embraces Hinduism. Howard Stern admits he's had plastic surgery. Plus: Is Madonna exercising herself to death? (01/18/2006)

Reviewed: Two indie superpowers unite, Sia goes solo and Duncan Sheik wants your remix

Future perfect H.H.
Craig Ferguson contemplates the Pluto probe. (01/18/2006)

Marriage of inconvenience H.H.
Colbert applauds Eminem's strong faith in marriage (01/18/2006)

Beckoning Fox News H.H.
CNN hires conservative talk radio host to be Headline News anchor (01/18/2006)


The K Chronicles By Keith Knight
Who's spewing that freedom-hating, spiritually bereft, anti-American claptrap? (01/18/2006)


I'm the academic wife, jealous and insecure By Cary Tennis
I'm regarded as inferior by my husband's admirers. I'm afraid I'll lose him to a brilliant and beautiful student. (01/18/2006)

The sweet stink of success By Sam Boykin
A growing number of "entre-manures" are turning piles of doo-doo into piles of dough. (01/18/2006)

The mothers of all Jewish mothers Lynn Harris
The ancestry of 40 percent of Ashkenazi Jews is traced to four women. (01/18/2006)

Why the ladies deserve better than Jamie Foxx Page Rockwell
He'd totally love to freak you nasty, if he could only tear his eyes away from his mirror. (01/18/2006)

"I'm a conservative Christian and this film changed my mind" Lynn Harris
"Brokeback Mountain" makes at least one straight guy less narrow. (01/18/2006)

I'm a lumberjack, but I'm not OK Lynn Harris
Croatian logger claims transplanted female kidney gave him cooties. (01/18/2006)

Good Feminist Housekeeping Lynn Harris
Readers are riled by a Ms. cover featuring a soft-focus Jane Fonda with flowers and puppy. (01/18/2006)

New Mexico boxer fights hometown despair Lynn Harris
Fast-punching, motorcycle-riding, role-modeling Michelle Lovato is Broadsheet's girl crush of the day. (01/18/2006)

Laura Bush: First feminist? Lynn Harris
Press coverage of the president's wife fudges the F-word. (01/18/2006)

Court sends abortion law back for repairs Lynn Harris
Pro-choicers say todays Ayotte v. Planned Parenthood ruling could be worse. (01/18/2006)

The "quieter" anti-choicers Lynn Harris
They may not be harassing people at clinics, but their tactics are just as scary. (01/18/2006)

White dudes for change! Lynn Harris
A progressive forum is taken to task for its 92 percent male roster. (01/18/2006)

Judges grant most waivers to Florida's parental notification requirement Lynn Harris
For at least one legislator, that means the laws not working. (01/18/2006)

Students found first Muslim sorority Lynn Harris
"Striving for the pleasure of Allah through sisterhood, scholarship, leadership and community service." (01/18/2006)

"Invisible in Hollywood: Jewish women" Lynn Harris
A women's studies prof can't recall the last time she saw a richly textured Jewish female character onscreen. (01/18/2006)


Strange Bedfellows v. Bush and Cheney By Michael Scherer
A motley crew that includes Christopher Hitchens, Larry Diamond and Greenpeace is suing the NSA, claiming that Bush's wiretap program is inhibiting free speech. (01/18/2006)


The big lie By Garrison Keillor
Who tells the truth to a man -- or perhaps a nation -- driving into the setting sun, convinced he's heading due east? (01/18/2006)

Big Brother is watching you (and blowing it) By Elizabeth de la Vega
Bush's illegal wiretapping program isn't just reckless and immoral -- it will actually hurt the "war on terror." (01/18/2006)


A Democrat defects on Alito Tim Grieve
Nebraska Sen. Ben Nelson says he'll take the nominee at his word when he says he has no agenda. (01/18/2006)

Jack Abramoff sings, and Scott McClellan dances Tim Grieve
The press secretary promises to provide details on the lobbyist's visits to the White House -- then doesn't. (01/18/2006)

A cautionary tale about judges who say they have "no agenda" Tim Grieve
Ron Wyden voted for John G. Roberts after convincing himself that the nominee was likely to vote to uphold Oregon's physician-assisted suicide law. He didn't. (01/18/2006)

Does anyone remember Jack Abramoff? Tim Grieve
Scott McClellan says the lobbyist had "just a few" staff-level meetings at the White House. Did he meet with the president, too? (01/18/2006)

He forgot to mention Syria Tim Grieve
Scott McClellan is surprised to learn about the Bush administration's rendition program. (01/18/2006)


King Kaufman's Sports Daily
Michelle Kwan cheers as NFL votes 49ers into NFC title game. Plus: How to define a catch. (01/18/2006)


Big Pharma's funny numbers Andrew Leonard
How much does it cost to score a new drug? (01/18/2006)

Workingman globalization blues Andrew Leonard
U.S. wage growth has never been so slow. Time to bar the door, Katy. (01/18/2006)

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Arts & Entertainment:

Salon Exclusive Daily Download: "This Piece of Poetry Is Meant to Do Harm," the Ark

Hell frozen over K.L.
Skating, gymnastics and bad singing -- all in one! (01/17/2006)

Our kind of celebrity K.L.
Felicity Huffman doesn't play along with "60 Minutes'" Stahl. (01/17/2006)

Bring on the crazy K.L.
Our favorite new character in "24." (01/17/2006)

"I want to thank Jack Abramoff..." H.H.
Highlights from the Golden Globes (01/17/2006)

The Fix
Michael Jackson's animals living in "squalor"? Eminem's wedding details. Plus: Angelina and Brad's Haitian vacation. (01/17/2006)

"As far left as it gets..." H.H.
A chilling Fox News report on a town so liberal, it's obscene! (01/17/2006)


Rough waters By Dante Ramos
Preacher and professor Michael Eric Dyson attacks America's reaction to Katrina as racist, ignorant and inept. But his rushed book is little more than a soggy rehash. (01/17/2006)


WayLay By Carol Lay
The slippery slope goes right into the downward spiral! (01/17/2006)


Just when I thought I was going to be fine, they say I'm bipolar By Cary Tennis
After all I've been through, how am I supposed to keep my chin up now? (01/17/2006)

My lunch with an antifeminist pundit By Rebecca Traister
Kate O'Beirne, author of the new book "Women Who Make the World Worse," says most women don't want the things feminists are fighting for. (01/17/2006)

Fewer dudes in broadcast news Lori Leibovich
A new study finds that women dominate local and national newscasts. (01/17/2006)

A good weekend for women in politics -- at least overseas Lori Leibovich
Michelle Bachelet is elected president of Chile, while Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is sworn in as president of Liberia. (01/17/2006)

Turn off the tube, have more sex Lori Leibovich
A new study finds that televisions in the bedroom mean less sex for couples. (01/17/2006)

Common painkillers may reduce risk of ovarian cancer Lori Leibovich
Ibuprofen, aspirin and naproxen may offer more benefits than we think. (01/17/2006)

Flickr photo shows lesbians kissing in Tiananmen Square Lori Leibovich
It's a great picture, but it doesn't mean China is a haven for gay couples. (01/17/2006)

Science fiction for women Page Rockwell
Newsweek says spaceships are fun for both genders. (01/17/2006)

Prime minister of Chechnya says polygamy should be legal Lori Leibovich
Women in the country outnumber men by 10 percent, so it's the perfect solution! (01/17/2006)

In student-teacher sex scandals, is there a double standard? Sarah Karnasiewicz
Are female teachers who have sex with their students not getting the punishments they deserve? (01/17/2006)

Where are all the pro-choice Republicans? Page Rockwell
'Cause they don't seem to be in Alito's confirmation hearings. (01/17/2006)

Will small brothels improve life for British prostitutes? Page Rockwell
U.K. lawmakers propose to let sex workers go into business for themselves. (01/17/2006)


Iraq's oil shock By Robert Bryce
As the country's energy nightmare continues, U.S. troops are using nearly 40 times more fuel per day than the average, increasingly angry Iraqi. (01/17/2006)


"America's Constitution is in grave danger"
Al Gore blasts Bush's spying on U.S. citizens: "A president who breaks the law is a threat to the very structure of our government." (01/17/2006)

Alan's melody By Riverbend
Iraqi blogger Riverbend remembers her friend Alan, killed during the abduction of journalist Jill Carroll. (01/17/2006)


"Dead ends or innocent Americans" Tim Grieve
As FBI officials describe the futility of Bush's warrantless spying program, two lawsuits challenge its legality. (01/17/2006)

Democrats won't filibuster Alito, but why not? Tim Grieve
If this nomination isn't important enough, what is? (01/17/2006)

Al Gore, Hillary Clinton and the GOP blow-back Tim Grieve
The response is personal, nasty and false. (01/17/2006)

Roberts and Scalia, peas in a pod? Tim Grieve
In his first dissent, the chief justice aligns himself with the far right. (01/17/2006)

Dick Cheney and the disease of kings Tim Grieve
Does the vice president suffer from gout? (01/17/2006)


King Kaufman's Sports Daily
Admission of error on Polamalu interception nice, but NFL has to fix its nonsensical maze of rules. (01/17/2006)


How globalization trips up the tax man Andrew Leonard
The free trade tax: The poor get poorer. (01/17/2006)

World of Chinese Warcraft Andrew Leonard
Where Chinese gamers go, the world may follow. (01/17/2006)

Monday, January 16, 2006

Arts & Entertainment:

Longer listens: Archival Martin Luther King Jr.

Sweet and sour 16 H.H.
"Saturday Night Live" parodies "My Super Sweet 16" (01/17/2006)


Freedom and equality: Un-American activities By Andrew O'Hehir
A master historian argues that Reconstruction ideals, far from reflecting America's deepest values, contradicted them (01/16/2006)


This Modern World By Tom Tomorrow
2006: An excessively optimistic look ahead. (01/16/2006)

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Arts & Entertainment:

I Like to Watch By Heather Havrilesky
The lovable losers who dominate the small screen, from the sequined nobodies of "Dancing With the Stars" to the beautiful survivors of "Lost." (01/16/2006)

Saturday, January 14, 2006


Smuggler's blues By Oliver Broudy
Before becoming a writer, Richard Stratton ran hash from the Middle East, making money hand over fist and living off adrenaline. Until he got caught. (01/14/2006)

Friday, January 13, 2006

Arts & Entertainment:

Elephant man detective! H.H.
He is not an animal! He is a human being! (01/13/2006)

Daily Download: "According to Plan," I Love You but I've Chosen Darkness
Daily Download: "According to Plan," I Love You but I've Chosen Darkness (01/13/2006)

Aw Eds.
A special Aw movie. (01/13/2006)

"Last Holiday" By Stephanie Zacharek
Queen Latifah brings a touch of old-fashioned movie-star glamour to this fluffy folderol. (01/13/2006)

"Glory Road" By Stephanie Zacharek
This movie about a trailblazing college basketball team isn't a slam dunk, but it does manage to sink a few surprisingly good shots. (01/13/2006)

The Fix
Jackson hit with new molestation suit. Aniston denies Pitt courtesy call. Plus: Russian pol rips into Condi. (01/13/2006)

Matt Lauer pees like a girl K.L.
"Today" co-host wants to be an ah-ctor (01/13/2006)

The Bush trifecta! K.L.
Kimmel, Stewart and Ferguson all crack on Bush. (01/13/2006)


My husband shuts me down when I mention fine arts grad school By Cary Tennis
I put my arts education on hold for work and family. Now I'm feeling a powerful pull. (01/13/2006)

Gimme an L-E-V-E-E! Page Rockwell
High school cheerleaders in New Orleans protest President Bush's visit. (01/13/2006)

N.Y. companies still have to cover contraceptives Page Rockwell
Appeals court rejects Catholic groups' challenge to the state's contraception law. (01/13/2006)

No delivery room at "General Hospital" Katharine Mieszkowski
Soap opera actress says she was fired for pregnancy. (01/13/2006)

A little antiabortion propaganda for your commute Katharine Mieszkowski
Riders on the Bay Area's transit system deface Roman Catholic group's ads. (01/13/2006)

No running, no diving, no breast-feeding Page Rockwell
An Ann Arbor YMCA has several bad reasons for why moms can't breast-feed by the pool. (01/13/2006)

Do the kids get mom's name, or dad's? How about alternating Katharine Mieszkowski
One writer explains how she and her husband chose their daughters' last names. (01/13/2006)

Getting divorced? Well, you're also fired Page Rockwell
Oklahoma Christian University says divorce sets a bad example for students. (01/13/2006)

Should we stop worrying about Roe v. Wade? Page Rockwell
Alito's confirmation is progressing, but Newsweek's Eleanor Clift says liberals shouldn't fret. Why don't we feel better? (01/13/2006)

Laura Bush foresees ovaries in the Oval Office Tracy Clark-Flory
Guess who the first lady wants to be the first female commander in chief? (01/13/2006)

Will a girl-girl kiss cost a Christian school $1 million? Katharine Mieszkowski
A private school in Georgia defends its decision to expel a student for "sexual immorality." (01/13/2006)

Crazy like a Cruise Page Rockwell
An aspiring actress's insane devotion to all things Tom. (01/13/2006)


Taking on a nation By Peter Byrne
Claiming they were sexually harassed and abused while working at a tribal casino, a group of California women are suing. There's only one problem: As part of a sovereign Indian nation, the casino is exempt from civil U.S. law. (01/13/2006)

Murder from Darfur to Cairo By David Morse
At a Sudanese refugee camp, I witnessed the desperation behind the protests -- and eventual slaughter -- of African refugees in Egypt. (01/13/2006)


Alito's ugly association By Joe Conason
His membership in a racist, reactionary group at Princeton reveals the unsavory face of conservatism. (01/13/2006)

2006: Bush's Waterloo? By Tom Engelhardt
From Iraq to Plamegate to an angry bureaucracy, the coming year holds mortal dangers for Bush. But he still has some cards to play. (01/13/2006)


There's no stopping Alito now Farhad Manjoo
After lackluster hearings, Samuel Alito's confirmation to the Supreme Court looks all but certain. (01/13/2006)

A sad little story about detainee abuse Farhad Manjoo
Bush promises to investigate detainee abuse in Iraq, but sometimes the investigations aren't very thorough. (01/13/2006)

We're in the red, and staying there Farhad Manjoo
A new White House projection shows, once again, that deficits continue to soar. No surprise there. (01/13/2006)

The filibuster's pros and cons Farhad Manjoo
Choosing to filibuster Alito won't be easy. Here are some things to think about. (01/13/2006)


King Kaufman's Sports Daily
NFL playoffs: Always pick the home teams in the divisional round. Except this time. (01/13/2006)

Table Talk:

Rants and race
The terrors of travel, and why race still matters, this week in Table Talk. (01/13/2006)


Ask the pilot By Patrick Smith
Live on network TV: Yet another insignificant flight incident! (01/13/2006)

We need a new drug (system) Andrew Leonard
Brazil vs. the Drug Lords; a showdown at the IP corral (01/13/2006)

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Arts & Entertainment:

Daily Download: "White Knuckles," the Bacon Brothers

Whimsical hippie frolics with bears! H.H.
A great spoof of Werner Herzog's "Grizzly Man" (01/12/2006)

Aw H.H.
Why have fat kids when you can have fat doggies? (01/12/2006)

You don't know Jack? By Mary Elizabeth Williams
Jack radio is cheap and soulless and all about random sex; it's also the new love of my life. Who needs Howard Stern? (01/12/2006)

Beyond the Multiplex By Andrew O'Hehir
A gritty drama about teenage girls that's the talk of the festival set. Plus: Two documentaries about a nation driven mad by terrorism. (01/12/2006)

The Fix
Oprah breaks silence about Frey furor. Lohan and Moss go strip-club pole dancing. Plus: Eminem to remarry ex (01/12/2006)

My friend Larry K.L.
Larry King softballs author James Frey. (01/12/2006)

Plane go boom K.L.
The amazing special effects of "Lost." (01/12/2006)


Tom the Dancing Bug By Ruben Bolling
God-Man, the superhero with omnipotent powers! This week: Danger in the Dorm (01/12/2006)


I say my son is stupid, but my wife says he's lazy By Cary Tennis
As a high school teacher, I know dumb, and I tell you, my son is the real deal. (01/12/2006)

Keep your laws off your neighbors! Lynn Harris
Missouri drives teens seeking abortions out of state -- and then nabs them there, too. (01/12/2006)

7 Reasons I Like "Rollergirls" Lynn Harris
1) Punky Bruiser, 2) Miss Conduct, 3) Venis Envy, 4) Jailbait ... (01/12/2006)

The judge's wife cried. Big whoop Lynn Harris
GOP: Scary Dems are frightening the ladies! (01/12/2006)

These Republicans oppose Alito Lynn Harris
GOP Majority for Choice: Judge is "out of step with mainstream Americans." (01/12/2006)

"Feminism = Narcissism"? Lynn Harris
Read this post only if you want to be really annoyed by Jonah Goldberg. (01/12/2006)

No wonder Alito "forgot" about CAP Lynn Harris
The Creepy Aryans of Princeton are even grosser than you think. (01/12/2006)

Norway, or the highway Lynn Harris
Government to corporate boards: Include 40 percent women, or close up shop. (01/12/2006)

What does that spell? DANGEROUS! Lynn Harris
Cheerleading is said to be the most dangerous sport of all. (01/12/2006)

The warrior princess meets the queen of high school noir Lynn Harris
Lucy Lawless to guest star on "Veronica Mars." (01/12/2006)

Mike Bloomberg's coming-out story Lynn Harris
A lesbian politician welcomes the New York mayor to her team. (01/12/2006)

"Meet the Dinner Whores" Lynn Harris
Fellas, beware: All that lobster, and she still might not sleep with you! (01/12/2006)

Oh, so that's Condi's problem Lynn Harris
Pravda: Rice's single, childless status makes her worse than "malicious mothers-in-law, women that evoke hatred and irritation with everyone." (01/12/2006)


Beirut remembers Sharon By Mitchell Prothero
From massacre survivors to Christian allies, Lebanese speak out about the man who invaded their country. (01/12/2006)

Meaningless charade By Michael Scherer
The moribund hearings have been as predictable as a Kabuki drama. Barring a major miscue, Alito's inscrutability will carry him to the Supreme Court. (01/12/2006)


Meek, mild and menacing By Sidney Blumenthal
Samuel Alito's Willy Loman facade conceals seething resentments -- and a dangerous belief in unbridled presidential power. (01/12/2006)

The jailer By Juan Cole
Ariel Sharon is lauded for breaking with his hard-line past. But the truth is that he simply embraced a smarter way of locking up the Palestinians. (01/12/2006)


Is it time to give up on confirmation hearings? Tim Grieve
They're good TV, but what have we learned? (01/12/2006)

Who made her cry? Tim Grieve
NBC says the teary exit of the nominee's wife may be the "seminal moment" in Samuel Alito's confirmation hearing. (01/12/2006)

Setting the record straight, the Dick Cheney way Tim Grieve
The vice president says he'll correct anyone who says that an Iraq-9/11 link has been established. How about starting with himself? (01/12/2006)

Harry the hypocrite -- or not Tim Grieve
The Washington Times says Reid is a top target of Abramoff investigators. A source close to the probe says it isn't so. (01/12/2006)


King Kaufman's Sports Daily
Reggie Bush's easy decision: Turn pro and become a millionaire, or risk everything for free. (01/12/2006)


The other Alaskan oil mess Andrew Leonard
Drill for oil? In Alaskan wilderness? Go right ahead! (01/12/2006)

Free software, Big Oil and Venezuelan politics Andrew Leonard
Why is Hugo Chavez such a big open-source software fan? (01/12/2006)

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Arts & Entertainment:

Daily Download: "Dance 1," Kiss Me Deadly

Aw Eds.
Don't try this with your cat. (01/11/2006)

"Timeless" beauty By Charles Taylor
With her latest album, Martina McBride breathes new life into contemporary country music by summoning ghosts from the past. (01/11/2006)

The Fix
Jolie and Pitt confirm baby report. Farrell sex tape off the market. Plus: Mr. Blackwell's worst-dressed list! (01/11/2006)

Not so swanky H.H.
Letterman makes an unkind joke at Chad Lowe's expense (01/11/2006)

Gay after gay H.H.
Brand new sitcom thinks the word "gay" is hysterical (01/11/2006)

Alito fireworks K.L.
Kennedy and Specter go at it during Alito hearing. (01/11/2006)


The K Chronicles By Keith Knight
Time to eat (Jim) crow! (01/11/2006)


I'm having symptoms of mental illness in grad school By Cary Tennis
People are looking at me funny -- should I reveal my diagnosis? (01/11/2006)

I was conned by JT Leroy By Ayelet Waldman
I talked to him on the phone for hours. I even listened to his therapy sessions on tape. And after one particularly weird conversation about his upcoming sex-change operation, I decided he was a fake. So why did I still get sucked in? (01/11/2006)

Alito dodges an important question about abortion Page Rockwell
In a dialogue with Dianne Feinstein, Judge Alito can't quite agree that a mother's life takes precedence over antiabortion laws. (01/11/2006)

Baby Brangelina! Sarah Karnasiewicz
Someone get Jennifer Aniston some tissues. The Pitt-Jolie clan is getting even bigger. (01/11/2006)

Granny activists get their day in court Sarah Karnasiewicz
A New York lawyer asks that charges be dropped against octogenarians arrested during an anti-Iraq protest. (01/11/2006)

A look at women's lives in Kurdistan Sarah Karnasiewicz
Despite premature marriages and self-immolation, slow progress is underway. (01/11/2006)

The first American woman abducted in Iraq Sarah Karnasiewicz
A freelance foreign reporter has been missing since Saturday. (01/11/2006)

A concerned alumna of Princeton on Alito Michal Keeley
Is the Supreme Court nominee lying, or is his memory really just that shot? (01/11/2006)

Bloggers get busy busting Alito Sarah Karnasiewicz
NARAL's Bush v. Choice blog heats up on the second day of confirmation hearings. (01/11/2006)

Is a 15-year-old girl L.A.'s best DJ? Sarah Karnasiewicz
A kick-ass podcaster proves that teenage girls can rock too. (01/11/2006)

Her fetus wasn't riding shotgun, after all Katharine Mieszkowski
The Arizona woman who tried to use her unborn child to avoid a ticket for driving solo in the carpool lane is out of luck. (01/11/2006)


Iraq sticker shock By Mark Benjamin
Caring for seriously wounded soldiers and other hidden costs could push the price tag of Bush's Iraq war to a staggering $2 trillion, a new study claims. (01/11/2006)

The gang that couldn't question straight By Walter Shapiro
Eight Democratic senators had a chance to grill Samuel Alito Tuesday -- but their artless queries could have been dodged by a tree sloth. (01/11/2006)

Letter to Salon from Newt Gingrich
The former speaker's spokesman Rick Tyler responds to Michael Scherer's article "Newt: I'm Shocked, Shocked by Abramoff Scandal!" (01/11/2006)


Weighty matters By Garrison Keillor
A fat president might be just what we need to lighten the load. (01/11/2006)


The IRS strikes at transparency -- and at the poor By Tim Grieve
Why release data on audits for the rich when you can be robbing the poor of their tax refunds instead? (01/11/2006)

Marion Barry's drug test Tim Grieve
The former Washington mayor may face 18 months in prison. (01/11/2006)

Alito goes Clintonian on Roe Tim Grieve
Asked whether the abortion ruling is "settled law," Alito says it depends on what the meaning of "settled" is. (01/11/2006)

Asked but not answered Tim Grieve
Samuel Alito dodges questions on presidential power. (01/11/2006)

Alito falters on CAP, and Specter and Kennedy explode Tim Grieve
The senators engage in an angry exchange after intense questioning on Alito's hazy memory. (01/11/2006)

And now, a word from John Ashcroft Tim Grieve
The former attorney general endorses Alito and discusses Bush's domestic spying program. (01/11/2006)

Alito makes the case against himself Tim Grieve
The nominee says litigants have the right to a judge who hasn't decided their case in advance. (01/11/2006)

On abortion, what's good for the goose is ... well, never mind Tim Grieve
Sen. Graham says that Democrats are focusing too much on abortion. Anybody remember Harriet Miers? (01/11/2006)


King Kaufman's Sports Daily
Hype shortage: The Stealth Olympics are a month away. Plus: Bruce Sutter makes Cooperstown. (01/11/2006)


Filtering the China filters Andrew Leonard
Studying up on the Middle Kingdom: An online avalanche. (01/11/2006)

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Arts & Entertainment:

Daily Download: "Into the Nada," Karl Blau

Aw Eds.
Deaf, but loves to chase airplanes. (01/10/2006)

Howard's world By Farhad Manjoo
Stern debuts on satellite radio and returns to the bad old days, before the FCC got on his case. But is the show worth $13 a month? (01/10/2006)

Wild about Harry K.L.
Late-night highlight: "Daily Show" on Harry Belafonte. (01/10/2006)

The Fix
"Brokeback" wins big at Critics' Choice. Stern still obsessing over nude scene. Plus: Swank and Lowe split up. (01/10/2006)

It's a miracle! K.L.
Pat Robertson can heal your bunions (01/10/2006)

Loser TV H.H.
MTV leads a former boy band member to the slaughter (01/10/2006)

Reviewed: Morningwood, We Are Scientists and BR549


The yes man and the thug By Farhad Manjoo
In his disturbing new book, Times reporter James Risen reveals how George Tenet's gutless surrender to war-obsessed Donald Rumsfeld led to the total breakdown of U.S. intelligence. (01/10/2006)

A million bogus fabrications By Laura Miller
Will James Frey's fans forgive him for making up parts of his bestselling memoir? (01/10/2006)


WayLay By Carol Lay
He'd had a secret pal ever since he could remember... (01/10/2006)


Follow Election 2006 -- join Salon Premium!
From Abramoff to Alito, the drama's already begun. Become a Premium member and you won't miss a minute of the action. (01/10/2006)


Our old house is driving my husband crazy By Cary Tennis
We've been working on this place so long, I really think it's done my poor hubby in. (01/10/2006)

Does the Pill make women less interested in sex? Lori Leibovich
New evidence suggests that oral contraceptives may squash women's sex drive. (01/10/2006)

More evidence that Wall Street is still a boys club Lori Leibovich
Six women sue an investment bank for being denied promotions -- and for having to endure lewd behavior. (01/10/2006)

Why are female comics more offensive than male comics? Lori Leibovich
According to "Daily Show" comedian Samantha Bee, it's because they have vaginas. (01/10/2006)

Indian society still doesn't think much of girls Lori Leibovich
A new study finds that half a million female fetuses are aborted there every year. (01/10/2006)

Mexican migrant women's dangerous journey Page Rockwell
More single Mexican women are seeking illegal entrance into the U.S., and taking huge risks along the way. (01/10/2006)

Swedish sex shop bombing Rebecca Traister
An explosion Monday in Goteborg, Sweden injures one man. (01/10/2006)

Manipulating Mariah's weight Rebecca Traister
... and Jessica Simpson gets bitchy. (01/10/2006)

Alito does not back away from his opposition to Roe v. Wade Lori Leibovich
He says he believes in the right to privacy -- but so did Clarence Thomas. (01/10/2006)

An unlikely activist helps dying gay cop's case Lori Leibovich
More on Laurel Hester, the terminally ill N. J. woman whose partner can't receive her pension benefits. (01/10/2006)

Sleeping together, but not sleeping together Page Rockwell
The Washington Post reassures us that it's OK to take refuge from a partner's snoring by crashing on the couch. (01/10/2006)

Coffee may reduce some women's risk of breast cancer Page Rockwell
A small, survey-based study finds an encouraging link between coffee consumption and reduced risk for the disease. (01/10/2006)

John Tierney's attempt at abortion controversy Farhad Manjoo
The New York Times columnist doesn't really want to change any abortion rules. He's just trying to get more mail. (01/10/2006)

Women more likely to inherit depression Page Rockwell
A new study suggests women's "variable hormonal environment" makes them more susceptible. (01/10/2006)


Boring, but not scary By Walter Shapiro
Samuel Alito came across as wimpy, but he didn't reveal any weird Bork-like tendencies. He's well on his way to joining a rightward-leaning high court. (01/10/2006)

Alito, you're no John Roberts By Michael Scherer
In the first day of his confirmation hearings, Samuel Alito displayed none of the dexterity and charm of Bush's newly minted chief justice -- and may face a rougher ride later this week. (01/10/2006)


California's environmental bad boy By Amanda Griscom Little
Republican Rick Pombo wants to drill, mine and develop America down to the last acre. But will close ties to Tom DeLay and Jack Abramoff pollute his reelection chances? (01/10/2006)


DeLay is delayed, and other news from the land of Abramoff Tim Grieve
Court denies DeLay a quick resolution of his Texas case; another domino falls in Washington. (01/10/2006)

Alito runs from his record Tim Grieve
Under questioning from senators, the nominee distances himself from things he has done and said. (01/10/2006)

From Alito, a dodge on the details Tim Grieve
The nominee responds, but he doesn't always answer. (01/10/2006)

What does Alito think of Roe today? Tim Grieve
Alito acknowledges his views circa 1985. But what are they now? (01/10/2006)

The Abramoff scandal: It's a Republican thing Tim Grieve
And Tom DeLay is right in the middle of it. (01/10/2006)

Court filings: Russert kept Libby secrets to protect his own reputation Tim Grieve
NBC News journalist resisted testifying in the Plame case even after Scooter Libby freed him to do so. (01/10/2006)


King Kaufman's Sports Daily
NOW leader is right: Paterno's comments on sex assault are "appalling." But resign? Let's get a grip. (01/10/2006)


Putting in a good word for the über-lobbyist Andrew Leonard
Thanks, Jack Abramoff, for all your hard work (01/10/2006)

Monday, January 09, 2006

Arts & Entertainment:

Daily Download: "America's Boy," Broadcast

Aw Eds.
Kitty gets a bad wrap. (01/09/2006)

Star Jones, digested K.L.
The mystery of Star Jones revealed. (01/09/2006)

The Fix
Critics snub "Brokeback," embrace "Capote." Belafonte flings T-word at Bush. Plus: Franken gets frank with Playboy. (01/09/2006)

Sinfully bad TV By Gordon Atkinson
A real live preacher weighs in on NBC's "The Book of Daniel" and the unholy outrage from the religious right. (01/09/2006)

Second Acts K.L.
'80s pop stars: Where are they now? Part 2. (01/09/2006)

Almost Taradise K.L.
Jack Osbourne, reality-show punching bag. (01/09/2006)

Alito moves! K.L.
Signs of life from Samuel Alito. (01/09/2006)


Mozart's muses By George Rafael
Who were the women who most profoundly influenced the legendary composer? At the 250th anniversary of his birth, we find out. (01/09/2006)


This Modern World By Tom Tomorrow
The scandal unfolds... (01/09/2006)


My father walked out on us -- will my boyfriend do the same? By Cary Tennis
I'd like to trust men, but I'm haunted by abandonment. (01/09/2006)

Dividing the man from his mother By Ayelet Waldman
Once, I chafed at any hour my husband spent with his mother, somehow viewing it as time stolen from me. Now I realize it's not a competition. (01/09/2006)

Ready. Set. Worry. Rebecca Traister
Today's the day... (01/09/2006)

Journalism broads Rebecca Traister
Jill Abramson reviews a new collection of journalism by women. (01/09/2006)

Potty parity Rebecca Traister
New York's new legislation should revolutionize how long we have to wait in line to pee. (01/09/2006)

Formal opposition to Alito builds Rebecca Traister
The Alternatives to Marriage Project officially opposes the nomination of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court. (01/09/2006)

Bitches but no dicks Rebecca Traister
Bloggers note the discrepancy in vulgarities in the Wikipedia's definitions of "man" and "woman." (01/09/2006)

"Women want smaller waists, not bigger IQs" Rebecca Traister
The week's most repulsive press release. So far. (01/09/2006)

Legislating nip slips Rebecca Traister
An Arizona law would exempt mamas who show some nipple while feeding their kids from getting arrested. (01/09/2006)

Nittany nastiness Rebecca Traister
Two Penn State coaches commit major fouls. (01/09/2006)

What will Oprah do? Hillary Frey
Broadsheet wants to know: since James Frey fabricated parts of his bestselling memoir, "A Million Little Pieces," what will his biggest fan do? (01/09/2006)

Fecund foxes Rebecca Traister
A new magazine features images of hot pregnant women. (01/09/2006)

Planned Parenthood gets a new president Rebecca Traister
Cecile Richards takes over. (01/09/2006)


Alito's bad luck By Walter Shapiro
The latest Supreme Court nominee has to face a Senate newly emboldened to challenge the imperial Bush presidency. And his paper trail gives senators plenty of ammunition to do it. (01/09/2006)

We shall overcome ... liberals By Michelle Goldberg
At a black church in Philadelphia, Martin Luther King Jr.'s niece joined Jerry Falwell and Rick Santorum to denounce critics of Samuel Alito. (01/09/2006)


A heartbeat away from the presidency Tim Grieve
Dick Cheney is hospitalized, briefly, for shortness of breath. (01/09/2006)

Is the Pentagon doing enough to protect the troops? Tim Grieve
As the U.S. death toll in Iraq passes 2,200, a new report says that a lot of Marines would be alive today if they had been given better body armor. (01/09/2006)

DeLay: Abramoff bad, me good Tim Grieve
After relinquishing any claim to his old leadership job, the Hammer insists that he's not a target in an ever-expanding federal investigation. (01/09/2006)

Bush: Alito will bring "a lot of class to that court" Tim Grieve
As confirmation hearings begin, the president touts his nominee. (01/09/2006)

Perception vs. reality on Alito and abortion Tim Grieve
A new poll shows that only 18 percent of Americans think that Alito would vote to overturn Roe. (01/09/2006)

As Alito hearing begins, Specter focuses on wiretaps Tim Grieve
The Senate Judiciary Committee chairman says Bush's spying program raises "very major consideration" about the separation of powers. (01/09/2006)

Charm 1, Alito 0 Tim Grieve
If style counts for anything, the Supreme Court nominee is off to a slow start. (01/09/2006)

Harriet who? Tim Grieve
Senate Republicans lecture Democrats about their obligation to give Alito an up-or-down vote. (01/09/2006)

Sam Alito, meet Sam Alito Tim Grieve
A Republican senator's explanation of Alito's early interest in the law doesn't square with what the nominee himself has said. (01/09/2006)

Alito hearing: Day One is over, and not a minute too soon Tim Grieve
Was the nominee pained by the pontificating or just bored by the proceedings? (01/09/2006)


King Kaufman's Sports Daily
Three visitors win wild-card playoff games. Is this a sign that an NFL era is ending? (01/09/2006)


How greed will save the world Andrew Leonard
Panning for gold in China's environmental catastrophes. (01/09/2006)

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Arts & Entertainment:

I Like to Watch By Heather Havrilesky
In a genre switcheroo, "The L Word" offers fantastical tales of pretentious little girls from outer space, while "Battlestar Galatica" tugs at our heartstrings -- and knocks our fracking socks off! (01/08/2006)


Women as livestock Rebecca Traister
South Dakota representative equates the ladies with the heifers. (01/08/2006)

Do women want male brothels? Rebecca Traister
Heidi Fleiss and friends explain female desire to the New York Times. (01/08/2006)

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Arts & Entertainment:

The chronicles of yarnia H.H.
Woman cocoons self in red yarn for sake of humanity! (01/07/2006)


The end of the Sharon era By Aluf Benn
Once despised by a generation of Israelis, Ariel Sharon became a venerated father figure. His passing from the political scene leaves the future of the Middle East in even greater doubt. (01/07/2006)

Friday, January 06, 2006

Arts & Entertainment:

Daily Download: "Melt Your Heart," Jenny Lewis

Comedically challenged By Stephanie Zacharek
The Farrelly brothers' new comedy, "The Ringer," encourages us to yuk it up at people with mental disabilities. Is that OK? (01/06/2006)

The Fix
Cheney ticks off neighbors. Moss wanted by police. Plus: Star Jones describes her "frightening ... erotic interest" in her husband. (01/06/2006)

Aw Eds.
Siamese kitties? (01/06/2006)

Big bondage! H.H.
The countless joys of "Dancing With the Stars" (01/06/2006)

Around the Web: Arctic Monkeys, We Are Scientists, Lindsay Lohan, etc. By Matt Glazebrook

Motherfracker! H.H.
"Battlestar Galactica" is the best frackin' show ever (01/06/2006)


Why am I obsessed with celebrity gossip? By Cary Tennis
Instead of writing poetry, I'm checking out IMDB. (01/06/2006)

What's in a hat? By Stephen Hirsch
To most people, Jack Abramoff's stylish brim says "Godfather." But if you're an observant Jew, it tells a much different story. (01/06/2006)

"Abstinence-only programs threaten fundamental human rights" Page Rockwell
A new study challenges abstinence-only advocates' moral high ground. (01/06/2006)

Californians want more ed in their sex ed Page Rockwell
Survey says Californians -- even conservative ones -- want more than abstinence-only sex education. (01/06/2006)

New gadget lets guys test their swimmers Page Rockwell
Britain gets the first over-the-counter fertility test for men. (There's one for women, too!) (01/06/2006)

Will young women put their eggs on ice? Hillary Frey
In Britain, fertility clinics are gearing up to cater to the "have it all" generation. (01/06/2006)

Stern not so prudish? Rebecca Traister
Sirius shock jock denies allegations that he didn't want his daughter appearing nude onstage. (01/06/2006)

No abortion unless not having one will maim or kill you Katharine Mieszkowski
An Indiana lawmaker proposes legislation to try to overturn Roe v. Wade. (01/06/2006)

Now I ain't saying she a gold digger ... Katharine Mieszkowski
A Broadsheet reader points out more evidence that "marrying up" is on the outs. (01/06/2006)

Help for rape victims, or violation of defendants' rights? Page Rockwell
Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney pitches a complicated proposal to help survivors find out if their attackers are infected with HIV. (01/06/2006)

You don't bring me freedom anymore Katharine Mieszkowski
Barbra Streisand ponders the future of women in Iraq. (01/06/2006)


After Sharon By Anna Reimann
The former Israeli ambassador to Germany talks about what Ariel Sharon's stroke means for his political party -- and for Israel-Palestine relations. (01/06/2006)


Let us prey By Joe Conason
Jack Abramoff and his deeply religious right-wing cronies express their "biblical worldview" by swindling Indian tribes and bribing legislators. Verily, mysterious are the ways of the Lord. (01/06/2006)


West Virginia and that other place where Americans have died Tim Grieve
What if TV news covered Iraq like it covered the Sago mine disaster? (01/06/2006)

Intelligence official: NSA didn't "target" Amanpour Tim Grieve
A denial of sorts, but questions linger. (01/06/2006)

Tom DeLay, Jack Abramoff and the art of understatement Tim Grieve
House Republicans wonder if they should be led by someone better equipped to deal with the corruption scandal. Could there be anyone worse? (01/06/2006)

We don't report so you won't decide Tim Grieve
Abramoff who? (01/06/2006)

Scooter's soft landing Tim Grieve
Dick Cheney's indicted chief of staff gets a new job as a think tank scholar. (01/06/2006)

Trashed, abolished, deleted, repealed and out of here Tim Grieve
It's a new year and all, but why is everyone in such a hurry to jettison the past? (01/06/2006)

Is Tom DeLay hearing footsteps? Tim Grieve
House Republicans circulate a petition calling on their colleagues to elect a permanent replacement for the displaced majority leader. (01/06/2006)

Singing like a bird on a wire Tim Grieve
As if congressional Republicans didn't have enough to worry about, Time's sources say that Randy "Duke" Cunningham wore a wire for federal investigators. (01/06/2006)


King Kaufman's Sports Daily
2005: The most predictable, unpredictable NFL season in history (excluding 1920-2002). And now: Playoff predictions! (01/06/2006)

Table Talk:

Miners, memorials and music
Think you know the truth about rednecks and rappers? TTers set the record straight this week. (01/06/2006)


Ask the pilot By Patrick Smith
A catalog of horrors: Wings falling off, gashed fuselages, and sensationalist bloggers. (01/06/2006)

Why do people buy Priuses? Andrew Leonard
Researchers discover the truth behind hybrid lust. (01/06/2006)

No more Treasury bonds, thank you, I'm full Andrew Leonard
Is China tired of propping up the U.S. economy? (01/06/2006)

Smash the Consensus! Andrew Leonard
Anti-globalizationists are trying to stop the tide. Here's a better target. (01/06/2006)

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Arts & Entertainment:

Daily Download: "Lesser Laws," Patrick Phelan

Name that creepfest K.L.
Can you guess what this spooky new ad is for? (01/05/2006)

Beyond the Multiplex By Andrew O'Hehir
A new release that ranks among the greatest of all Holocaust films. Plus: Horror king Eli Roth defends his excess. (01/05/2006)

The Fix
Lohan admits eating disorder, drug use. Howard Stern's daughter quits nude gig. Plus: Stewart to host Oscars? (01/05/2006)

Aw K.L.
Year of the rat? (01/05/2006)

Robertson: Sharon asked for it
"I am sad to see him in this condition, but..." (01/05/2006)

Kung Fu F*** You! H.H.
A new breed of Kung Fu fighters hits the streets! (01/05/2006)


Secrets, lies -- and lawyers! By Douglas Wolk
"Daredevil" suffered for years under Frank Miller's shadow, but Brian Bendis and Alex Maleev made it one of the most engrossing comics of the last decade. (01/05/2006)


Tom the Dancing Bug By Ruben Bolling
The NSA Division of Illegal Wiretapping presents: Your Government Working for You! (01/05/2006)


Stuck in resentment after 35 years By Cary Tennis
My father died last year -- and suddenly I'm reliving junior high. (01/05/2006)

Diet secrets of the dangerously disordered Rebecca Traister
A yucky episode in which the media is caught sending deranged messages to women about their weight. (01/05/2006)

"In Praise of Men" Lynn Harris
Or should it be "In Praise of People"? (01/05/2006)

Is "marrying up" going down? Katharine Mieszkowski
More highly educated women are finding mates, according to a San Francisco Chronicle article debunking a bevy of recent trend stories about women. (01/05/2006)

Wonkette gets a sex change Rebecca Traister
The best-known female political blogger hands off her pen -- and her anal sex joke handbook -- to a guy. (01/05/2006)

Are butts the new billboards? Lori Leibovich
New York Times fashion scribe says product placement is taking a back seat. (01/05/2006)

Hot girls park hot cars! Hillary Frey
In L.A., women in skimpy outfits have conquered the domain of awkward young men: Valet parking. (01/05/2006)

Howard Stern: Prudish papa Rebecca Traister
America's favorite shock jock didn't like the idea of his daughter stripping down. (01/05/2006)

All women should have babies! Except you! (Take 2) Lynn Harris
Virginia wing nut mounts wacko attack on unmarried infertile women. (01/05/2006)

He's sorry, MoDo Rebecca Traister
Joel Stein pleads for forgiveness from Op-Ed columnist Maureen Dowd. (01/05/2006)

New treatment for ovarian cancer Page Rockwell
Researchers find a better way to fight the disease, but it's exceptionally rough on patients. (01/05/2006)

A new low in honor killings Sarah Elizabeth Richards
Pakistan grapples with a particularly gruesome case. (01/05/2006)


Losing their minds By Mark Benjamin
More U.S. soldiers than ever are sustaining serious brain injuries in Iraq. But a significant number of them are being misdiagnosed, forced to wait for treatment or even being called liars by the Army. (01/05/2006)

Newt: I'm shocked, shocked by Abramoff scandal! By Michael Scherer
From his lofty perch on the sidelines, the ethically challenged former speaker denounces corruption in politics. (01/05/2006)

A disastrous appointment By Michelle Goldberg
Bush's backdoor choice of unqualified right-winger Ellen Sauerbrey to head the U.S. refugee-response team raises the specter of Michael Brown. (01/05/2006)


Bush's war on professionals By Sidney Blumenthal
The president is determined to stop whistle-blowers and the press from halting his administration's illegal, ever-expanding secret government. But it may be too late. (01/05/2006)

King George By Tom Engelhardt
It is slowly becoming clear that the Bush administration's real goal is not winning the right to torture, or to spy on Americans, or to lock people up without recourse. It is absolute power. (01/05/2006)


Spying, CNN and the Kerry campaign: Is there a there there? Tim Grieve
A statement attributed to NBC suggests that the network is investigating whether the Bush administration eavesdropped on the calls of a reporter. (01/05/2006)

Who needs Congress, anyway? Tim Grieve
The imperial president stocks up on recess appointments. (01/05/2006)

This just in: Bush listens Tim Grieve
The president makes a show of taking advice on Iraq. (01/05/2006)

Dick Cheney, domestic spying and "false comforts" before 9/11 Tim Grieve
The vice president defends the Bush administration's secret spying program with a tacit admission of failure. (01/05/2006)

Pat Robertson: God is punishing Ariel Sharon Tim Grieve
When Robertson dies, who will tell us why? (01/05/2006)

Samuel Alito and the holy oil Tim Grieve
Three Christian ministers annoint a Senate hearing room in advance of a confirmation hearing. (01/05/2006)


King Kaufman's Sports Daily
Vince Young leads Texas over USC in a Rose Bowl worthy of months of hype. (01/05/2006)


Microsoft: Just following Chinese orders Andrew Leonard
Bill Gates & Co. censor a Chinese blogger. What could be more natural? (01/05/2006)

Who is guilty of killing downtown? Andrew Leonard
Wal-Mart may well be the Grim Reaper, but aren't shoppers the ones swinging the scythe? (01/05/2006)

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Arts & Entertainment:

Daily Download: "Sexy Results [MSTRKRFT Edition]," Death From Above 1979

The Fix
Gwyneth denies ghost story. Paris accused of nasty talk. Plus: Barbie's hidden transgender agenda? (01/04/2006)

The cable fringe K.L.
A very low-rent Martha Stewart. (01/04/2006)

Aw Eds.
Cat and quail. (01/04/2006)

Ruthlessly Bluth-less H.H.
"Arrested Development" parodies its own demise (01/04/2006)

Toadies to the rescue! K.L.
O'Reilly attacks Letterman with fuzzy-brained lapdogs. (01/05/2006)


The K Chronicles By Keith Knight
Nothin' says lovin' like a new ass! (01/04/2006)


My secret is about to be revealed By Cary Tennis
I told my husband I was a virgin when we married but I wasn't. Now the guy I did it with is going to tell. (01/04/2006)

At home with David Brooks By Rebecca Traister
On the same day the right-wing Times columnist argued that women are happier at home, a mom who stayed at home contradicted him. (01/04/2006)

New York City Council to elect first female, openly lesbian speaker Lynn Harris
Christine Quinn is poised to become "the most powerful openly lesbian or gay official in the country." (01/04/2006)

Freedom Winter '06 Lynn Harris
Women's groups launch full-scale activist attack on Samuel Alito. (01/04/2006)

Women's media central Lynn Harris
New organization highlights women who make news. (01/04/2006)

Another major abortion case on its way to the court? Lynn Harris
Supremes to consider reviewing the case that found the "partial-birth abortion" ban unconstitutional. (01/04/2006)

Go Blue! Michigan scores more women science faculty Lynn Harris
Recruitment program scientifically proven to work! (01/04/2006)

Oxygen Media: Women deserve their own "Porky's" Lynn Harris
And, says the cable network, more information about the struggles of modeling. (01/04/2006)


Abramoff won't go down alone By Michael Scherer
After a career of stealing from his clients and corrupting lawmakers, the one-time Republican golden boy is set to destroy the political machine he helped create. (01/04/2006)


The cold truth By Garrison Keillor
What actually keeps us going is being able to look around and think, "If someone else can do it, maybe I can too." (01/04/2006)


Abramoff an "equal money dispenser"? Not exactly Tim Grieve
The lobbyist's associates and clients may have given money to Democrats, but he hasn't. (01/04/2006)

When checks and balances are quaint Tim Grieve
Even before the president authorized warrantless spying on U.S. citizens, NSA officials apparently helped themselves to the power. (01/04/2006)

Torture ban? What torture ban? Tim Grieve
In a signing statement, Bush says he's free to construe McCain's measure as he sees fit. (01/04/2006)

Abramoff cash and Bush-Cheney '04: Now who's living in a "glass house"? Tim Grieve
If money from Abramoff's associates and clients carries the same taint as money from Abramoff, why isn't the Bush-Cheney campaign giving up its share? (01/04/2006)

The Abramoff investigation: How wide, how high? Tim Grieve
It's anybody's guess, and everyone seems to have one. (01/04/2006)

As Washington quakes, a pundit yawns Tim Grieve
Jonah Goldberg says the Abramoff case just isn't all that interesting. (01/04/2006)

Was the NSA listening? Tim Grieve
NBC's Andrea Mitchell asks whether the Bush administration's spy program eavesdropped on a CNN reporter. (01/04/2006)


King Kaufman's Sports Daily
Orange Bowl gives Death to Placekicking campaign a shot in the leg. Plus: USC-Texas predictions. (01/04/2006)


All hail the green welfare state Andrew Leonard
Sweden has a Ministry of Sustainable Development. Read it and weep. (01/04/2006)

Attack of the MP3 patent hoarders Andrew Leonard
A Texas chip design company broadcasts a warning to the world: Pay us now, or pay us later. (01/04/2006)

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Arts & Entertainment:

Daily Download: "War," Celebration

Gibson's true grit K.L.
"Brokeback Mountain" gets Foxy blond John Gibson all hot and bothered. (01/03/2006)

Second acts K.L.
'80s pop stars: Where are they now? (01/03/2006)

The Fix
Terry McMillan boasts about her lively sex life. Paris Hilton is sued for slander. Plus: Patrick Swayze's hip-hop album? (01/03/2006)

In his own words K.L.
The videotaped message that haunts the White House. (01/03/2006)

Aw Eds.
Virgil, the green-eyed monster (01/03/2006)

L is for Lame H.H.
The cringe-inducing theme song for "The L Word" (01/03/2006)

The Strokes, "First Impressions of Earth"

Letterman vs. O'Reilly K.L.
Letterman knocks O'Reilly out of his spin zone. (01/04/2006)


Reformed school girl By Rebecca Tuhus-Dubrow
Christine Rosen attended a fundamentalist Christian school, but the doctrinaire teachings -- and the scary sex-ed classes -- couldn't stem the tide of her questions. (01/03/2006)


WayLay By Carol Lay
When you need a thicker skin... (01/03/2006)


My wife-to-be attacks me with her fists By Cary Tennis
I'm bigger than she is and can fend off the blows -- but is this going to be a problem in our marriage? (01/03/2006)

Farewell from Asbury Park, N.J. By Rebecca Traister
In 1968, a skinny teenager named Bruce Springsteen started jamming at an all-ages club on the Jersey Shore. Now, as the Upstage faces demolition, fans remember better days. (01/03/2006)

Girls expelled for possibly being lesbians Lori Leibovich
Two California teens sue their school for invasion of privacy and discrimination. (01/03/2006)

Happy New Year! Can you sign these divorce papers? Lori Leibovich
The New York Post says January is the month to shed your spouse. (01/03/2006)

Turns out Terry had her groove on Lori Leibovich
McMillan's ex-husband says that she cheated, too. (01/03/2006)

Daphne Merkin's woo Rebecca Traister
All the news about her vagina that's fit to print. (01/03/2006)

Do you promise to love me, honor me and feed me herring? Lori Leibovich
A British woman "marries" the "love of her life" -- a dolphin. (01/03/2006)

Marrying for love or money? Lori Leibovich
New York Times columnist John Tierney thinks chicks better lower their standards or they'll end up alone. (01/03/2006)


The CIA, Iraq's WMD and the New York Times Tim Grieve
A new book by Times reporter James Risen says the CIA disregarded contrary reports about Saddam Hussein's weapons program. (01/03/2006)

Reports: Abramoff deal is done Tim Grieve
Sources say the lobbyist will plead guilty to corruption charges. What damage can he do? (01/03/2006)

Abramoff to plead guilty, cooperate in Washington probe Tim Grieve
Prosecutors say the lobbyist provided "a stream of things of value" as a quid pro quo for a representative's support. (01/03/2006)

Abramoff says he's sorry; who's next? Tim Grieve
As the lobbyist pleads guilty, Washington waits for other shoes to drop. (01/03/2006)

Abramoff: There's more where that came from Tim Grieve
In pleading guilty, the GOP lobbyist says he hasn't told all -- yet. (01/03/2006)


King Kaufman's Sports Daily
If a player fumbles and no ref calls it, has he really fumbled? And other deep bowl-game thoughts. (01/03/2006)

Table Talk:

Gifts and generals
A surprise dollhouse, and the end of the "officer and gentleman." (01/03/2006)

Monday, January 02, 2006

Arts & Entertainment:

Let he who casts the first loofah ... K.L.
Bill O'Reilly threatens to look into the "personal lives" of the New York Times' Bill Keller and Frank Rich. (01/03/2006)


This Modern World By Tom Tomorrow
President Bush is just and wise! (01/02/2006)


Food slut By Ann Bauer
People say great food is like great sex. But after two years of reviewing trendy restaurants, chatting with charming chefs, and indulging in fatted duck breast, I've lost my appetite. (01/02/2006)


The Year of the Abramoff Andrew Leonard
No sleep for the wicked in Washington: A plea deal that could name a lot of names is rumored to be in the works. (01/02/2006)

By the way, the president has some truth issues Andrew Leonard
The world scoffs at Bush's explanation of why he said every wiretap requires a court order. (01/02/2006)

Sunday, January 01, 2006


The joy of sex writing By David Amsden
Two bold collections of essays about the most intimate of acts prove that good sex makes a great memory, but bad sex makes a great story. (01/01/2006)

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