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[The FAQ]

`...Old Thrashbarg had said on one occasion that sometimes if you received an answer, the question might be taken away. Some of the villagers had privately said that this was the only properly wise thing they'd ever heard Thrashbarg say, and after a short debate on the matter, had put it down to chance.'

-- Mostly Harmless, by Douglas Adams

Welcome to my FAQ! Be warned, this page is unashamedly self-indulgent ;) I don't like writing about myself and the only reason why I'm doing this is because people might want to know. Believe me if you like, it's not compulsory ;) If also find it difficult to believe that it is possible to write 1500 words about me, then you've got the wrong idea before you've even started reading. <g>

There are a few links here that go to bits of my site that you can't get to else where. Have a try, have fun and most importantly of all... don't go mad!

Q.Right. First things first. What the hell are you doing on Dane's Werewolf pages if you don't have a thing to do with Werewolf Software????


Q.Fair enough. Tell me a little bit about yourself.

A.My name is Quintin Lawrence Stephen Parker, I am 17 years old and was born on the 5th of September 1979, which makes me a Virgo with Libra rising. However, even though I was born at 8.04am, this still makes me entirely useless at getting up in the mornings. I am half-Irish and live in Hanwell, West London, England, and my family tree can be traced up through my father's side to Scandinavia, which probably explains why I'm so deathly pale, turn pink under hot lights, and get sunburn at the slightest opportunity.

Q.That's interesting. Erm, why is this backdrop purple??

A.Purple is my favourite colour! It's sort of spiritual. Man. :)

Q.You're a computer person. Who are you to talk about spirituality ?

A.You'd be surprised. When I was eight, I saw a ghost ; I was lying in bed, looked over and it was calling my name, but then said some gobbledygook that sounded pretty urgent, and promptly walked out of the window. (BTW - if you are that ghost and you are reading this, I'd quite like you to email me and tell me who you are and what you were trying to say.) You already know I'm interested in astrology, and I'm also into lucid dreaming as well - you can read an article I wrote all about it by clicking here, or if you already know about it you can read some scientific theories. I'm also a Roman Catholic and go to church every Sunday, but I don't go around evangelising and quoting the Bible at everybody (except when I'm in an RE exam.)

Q.Before I go on, why are you answering in footprints?

A.That's to do with my software house, Gilbert the Hamster Software. Me and a friend called Roberto Tyley run it, but to be honest, I can't really be bothered to write about it on the Web. It's only an Acorn software house anyway, and the chances are tht you're reading this on a PC, so it won't be of much relevance to you. Never mind, I've been trying not to mention computer programming on this site at all, but it's out of the way now, so hey ho. Next question, s'il vous plâit...

Q.How did you do the imagemap?

A.Well, after downloading a picture of the actual album cover from Queen's web site, I used Draw and Paint to alter it!! That's it, no funky photo processing thingies that burn dirty great holes in your pocket! Then I used ChangeFSI to convert it into a JPEG and Imagen to do the map itself. If you don't have an Acorn, then none of that made sense :)

Q.Hmph. What are your tastes in music?

A.I think lyrics to songs are equally as important as the song itself, which is one of the reasons why I don't like groups such as Oasis, The Chemical Brothers and Prodigy (the other reason is that they are crap singers!). However I like Pulp, especially for the clever lyrics, and I'm a huge fan of the Lightning Seeds (no, I know Ian Broudie can't sing either, but the music more than makes up for it, and the lyrics, although they make no sense, at least think they do), and when I'm in a slightly more mellow mood I put Céline Dion or Naimee Coleman (who?) on. (I've gone right off Bryan Adams..) I dislike all computer-generated music except trance, I can't stand rap and I have a pathological hatred of the Fugees, who I've never quite forgiven for ruining `Killing me Softly'. Anybody who puts the Fugees on is likely to get throttled, and anybody who puts on the Smurfs is going to get some very funny looks. My absolute favourite band is Queen, because of the highly creative (and even occasionally thought-provoking) songs and lyrics, and because Freddie Mercury shares my birthday too! :)) Which is why I did a Queen image map, to pay homage to them ; not to take the mick. (Even though JD does look as if he is asleep most of the time..) My favourite song is Radio Ga-Ga, beloved of jukeboxes up and down the country, not because it's a hugely brilliant song (although it is), but for sentimental reasons. ;) You can download an 80K MIDI file (zipped to 30K) by clicking here. I will listen to jazz, though I'm not a fan, and I don't have too much time for classical music.

Q.Can you ever answer a question without starting to burble everywhere?

A.Not normally. But when people who know me on the .net meet me for the first time, they expect me to be really verbose and talk all of the time, and when I just sit there and say nothing much, they wonder what was going on. I prefer writing to talking. In actual fact, I hope to be a writer someday. That's why I'm doing English, History and Latin A-Levels (A-Levels, for those outside England and Wales, are a sort of higher education type thingy that you can do when you're 16-18 before going on to university should you want to do so. Most people do three, although some crazy people do four.), and not Maths or Physics or Chemistry as many would normally expect somebody who helps with a BBS and who has their own homepage to do. Hey, what do you know? I'm writing wibble again. :)

Q.I could tell. What are your pet hates?

A.Ready? Here comes a nice unordered list (ordered lists? me??)..

Q.Erm... so... why `Mr. Potato'??

A.It's just a nickname I've picked up. It's stuck, and all of my friends call me it. Where does it come from?.. In July 1996, I did work experience in St. Joseph's Primary School, Hanwell, and was sent to help the teacher in a class of 4-5 year olds. These kids, although they were quite smart, got my name a bit wrong, which is understandable because my name is a bit unusual, and started calling me Winston. From then on, as one child heard my name from another and got it wrong again, I became known as Marvin, Calvin, Katie, Trudy, and, imperceptibly, Mr. Potato... I now live in dread of walking down the street and hearing a little voice piping up behind me, `Hello Mr Potato!' You can read the first day of the diary I wrote here.

Q.What do you sound like?

A.Judge for yourself, right here with some .wavs...

(32K) Sample on my old site
(57K) Me & Roberto singing from the GTHS song

Q.What do you look like?

A.Hmm, well, you've already seen that on the index page, but here are a few more pics. I've thumbnailed them so you can see whether or not they're worth downloading. ;)

(37K)Me leaning over a camcorder grinning enigmatically.
(21K)14 years old, overweight, and a biscuit in my mouth
(50K)Most recent photo. Me with my name on a village sign.

Q.Any special talents?

A.Not too many. I'm double jointed and can do various abhorrent things with the orientation of my fingers, and I am one of the privileged few who can touch my nose with my tongue. Interestingly enough, I can also induce myself to black out by the power of thought. I won't detail how here, but mail me about it, convince me that you'd find it useful, and I'll share the secret with you. (Also, I'd like to know how it would be useful. :))

Q.Do you have a Geek Code?

A.Oui, j'en ai. Voila..

-------BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK--------
GC/O/L>$ d- H->+ s:+ g?+>- p2 !au>* a17 w++ v**(+) C++ U--- P? L-
!3 N++ E- K- W--- M* !V -po+ Y+ t- 5- !j R++ !G tv++ b++ D-- B-
e*>++ u*(+)(---) h! f+>++ r*@ n->+ y?
--------END GEEK CODE BLOCK---------
AcornCodev1.01: A2 rpc7sa/I1/10/Icd12 a441/I350/4/ro+/sa BB* ed++ dc200 nl+ EC pc-- pr+

If that made no sense, an explanation is on
this page! :)

Q.So... big questions. Give me the rundown on your personality.

A.Oh, alright then. <g> Right.. let me see. It's burble time! Now. A lot of you reading out there in cyberspace might go to school with me, or know of me, and think, `He's not like that at all.' Consider for a second - you've never actually properly got to know me, as usually I close off certain parts of my personality to most people, preferring just to show Quintin who is the daft nerd, and striking up inane conversations with people about coleslaw (Hello Ben Middlemiss!) Well, I only ever make very close friends, and most of the people I hang out with I wouldn't really call `proper' friends at all. So don't argue, I know myself better than you do :-)

That's probably my worst point, being too introverted and shy for my own good. Probably this is because I am a confirmed insomniac, needing about eleven hours of sleep a night but only managing five, and not even hypnotherapists, homeopaths, or several severe blows to the head have cured me. Therefore, I practically run on caffeine and chocolate, and if I go without either for long I get bad withdrawal symptoms (you never knew I was a drug addict, did you? ;)) I'm also extremely lazy and a very bad procrastinator, doing things only if I have to at the very last moment. (There's some homework sitting over there.. hmmm. I'll do it tomorrow morning on the bus ;)) I'm vain, extraordinarily self-critical, and fussy too, and particularly highly strung ; I can't sit still for two minutes and am given to bursting out laughing for no apparent reason. This is linked to one of the aspects of my character I'm most famous for - I am extremely accident prone. For instance, yoghurt. Yoghurt does not get on with me ; it tends to explode. I also broke a friend's PC just by looking at it. :) The only other part of me that very few people have seen is my absolutely apocalyptic temper (the Amiga Owner Pogrom page is about a tenth of the extent of it), but don't worry as it does take one hell of a lot to get me seriously annoyed, as opposed to mildly irritated, and I can take a lot of punishment.

Other good points are that I'm a good listener and would have become a counsellor if I was emotionally detached enough. I'm extremely creative, I love writing stories and music, and so I daydream one hell of a lot. I'd put some of my music on here if it was any good, and if Dane would let me ;) I'm cultured and quite mature, and I'm very easily able to laugh at myself and see the lighter side of life - once I get going I can't stop talking. I'm reasonably clever (but not always on the ball, especially if I haven't got enough sleep or caffeine) and if I'm in the mood I can have a good argument (I often pick them with Dane Koekoek, because he's the only person I disagree with who is clever.) Finally I have an extremely sporadic but spot-on intuition, (which only seems to help me to decide what to do if I don't want to do it, grrrrrrr...)

I'm also very modest. No, really. :-))

Q.Do you.. um, have a girlfriend?

A.Mmmmmmmmm, now we're getting personal. :)) Anybody who's coy about whether they've got a significant other almost certainly hasn't, so I might as well come clean, and say No - and I really don't mind telling everybody on the planet that, whether you're reading this right on the other side of the world in Australia or whether you see me everyday at school and are likely to poke fun at me for it. However, the word No hides many funny stories - the abridged version is I've never in reality got to know anybody, male or female, who is exactly on my wavelength - but that's only an approximation to the real answer to this question. Some day I shall tell it all to the world as opposed to 2-3 of my most excellent friends. But not you, and not right now. Sorry about that. :)

Q.Oh well. So how can I contact you?

A.Well, I would give my address and phone number but I've got the Amiga Pogrom page to consider, so no. But you can email me at the bottom of the page or here at quintin@digibank.demon.co.uk if you can't be bothered to scroll the window down. If you're on Fidonet, try 2:254/551.0 (if you don't know what Fidonet is, it's best not to ask), or of course you can phone Werewolf BBS on +44 181 289 6003.

Well it's time for me to go to bed now and that's all I can think of! If you are actually bothered to and you really want to know, write an FAQ and I'll do my best to answer it and put it up here, but I hardly think many would do that. That's it, you can go now ;)

Byesee-byes then!

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!Note: Neither Dane Koekoek nor Werewolf Software is responsible for the crap that this person writes.

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