Submission Guidelines

What your story needs in order to be a part of this archive...

1. It has to be about Snape and Professor Dumbledore. Others can be involved, but they need to be the main relationship.

2. It can be any rating. G-NC17. Please label.

3. It has to be correctly formatted and spelled correctly.

4. It has to be about Snape and Professor Dumbledore. Others can be involved but they need to be the main relationship.

5. Animal abuse, incest, and child abuse (that is written for titalation) will not be accepted.

6. Please put "Fic Submission" in the subject line of your email.

7. Fics can be sent to 8. I'd rather you not send attachments.

(Longer, more involved version)

The Snape Slash Fleet ships are always open to new
recruits. If you have a fic you'd like to
submit, please read over our submission guidelines.

GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR SUBMITTING TO ANY SHIP: 1. Complete stories only, no works-in-progress (WIPs). WIPs can be a bit difficult for the archivists to keep up with, and also frustrating for the readers, especially if there are long gaps between installments. 2. Any rating is fine, from G to NC17. 3. All submitted stories must have a header with the following information: title, author, rating, up to three categories your story fits, and disclaimers. See below for examples of different category choices. 4. Please submit your fic to the appropriate ship site. For example, a story submitted to Silver and Black should focus primarily on a slash relationship between Snape and either Draco or Lucius Malfoy, not Snape/Neville. Fic involving romantic triangles are acceptable. 5. PLEASE spellcheck and proofread before submitting your fic. 6. Please let the archivist know if you want your email included for feedback purposes. GUIDELINES FOR SUBMITTING TO SPECIFIC SHIP SITES: The Headmaster's Study (S/Dumbledore): Do not submit fics as attachments; send them as text in the body of an email. Here There Be Slash (S/Lupin): Fics submitted as attachments are preferred. HTML formatting optional. Silver and Black (S/Malfoy): King of Cups, Knave of Pentacles (S/Neville): Do not submit fics as attachments; send them as text in the body of an email. Do not submit fics in HTML format. The Snape and Black Ship: Do not submit fics in HTML format. Where the Children Play (S/James): [my note: we'll include the submission info for the S/H and S/W sites when they're up and running.] CATEGORIES: Most of these are fairly self-explanatory, but in case some of the terms aren't familiar... Drama/Angst--Any story in which the plot is primarily dramatic or angst-driven. Humor/Parody--Any story in which the plot is light, humorous, or some form of parody. Action/Adventure--Any story in which the plot focuses primarily on action over romance or relationship issues. Example: a fic about the final battle with Voldemort. Romance--Any story in which the plot revolves around getting two characters to fall in love. This category includes sentimental pieces, schmoop, and fluff. Hurt/Comfort (H/C)--Any story in which one of the main characters suffers an extreme form of mental, physical, or emotional damage, and the other main character has to heal him in some way. Pre-Slash--Any story in which the characters do not become romantically or sexually involved, but the slash dynamic is definitely there. These are usually first stories in a series, in which the relationship is later developed. First Time--Any story in which one of the primary focuses is the first time the two main characters have sex. Plot-What-Plot (PWP)--Any story in which the primary focus is sex, and not much else. Alternate Universe (AU)--Any story in which any aspect of canon is significantly altered. Example: Harry being sorted into Slytherin.

The Devil's Advocate

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