Jessica Stern, researcher for Human Rights Watch Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights Program
Lesbians in South Africa face abuse and violence simply for not fitting social expectations of how women should look and act.
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About Algeria

Official name: People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
Capital: Algiers
Head of State: President Abdelaziz Bouteflika
State: Republic
Population: 32,930,091(Estimation)
Independence: from France in 1962
Languages: Arabic (official), French, Berber dialects
Religion: Sunni Muslim 99% Christian and Jewish 1%
Currency: Algerian Dinar

Legal wise
Homosexuality is illegal, punishable by 3 years in prison.

mainlines in use: 2,572 million (2005)
mobile cellular: 13,661 million (2005)
Internet hosts: 1,175 (2005)
Internet users: 845,000 (2005) 


les gays brisent le tabou en alg�rie

j'ai 23 ans, je suis gay, et je vis en algerie

gays en alg�rie: l'homophobie retourn�e contre soi!

gay algerian faces deportation after 10 years in uk

gay man seeks asylum in uk

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Previous Stories
government backs same-sex marriage judgement
December 2, 2005: The ruling African National Congress (ANC) and the government have issued their statements after the Constitutional Court's ruling on same-sex marriages. [more]

one somali family
November 7, 2005: If you were a teenage boy in Mogadishu in the 1980s, it was rather desired by your parents that you spend as much time as you can with other boys. Ali Abdulle and Ismail Sakariye took full advantage of this. [more]

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