Lance Stehr, of Ghetto Ruff Records
We can't be hiding things. Sithole's public disclosure will help to show that we have a problem as a nation. It's better for people to come out and face it
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About Benin

official name: Republic of Benin
capital: Porto-Novo
head of state: President Mathieu Kerekou
state: multi-party democracy
population: 7,862,944
independence: from France in 1960
languages: French (official), Fon and Yoruba (most common vernaculars in south), tribal languages (at least six major ones in north)
religion: traditional African 50%, Christian 30%, Muslim 20%
currency: Communaute Financiere Africaine franc (XOF)

Legal wise
Homosexual acts between adults (of either sex) are illegal


mainline telephones: 76,300 (2005)
cellular telephones: 75,100 (2005)
internet country code: .bj
internet hosts: 814 (2005)
internet users: 100,000 (2005)



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sex, a dangerous mission for ugandan homosexuals
UGANDA - August 31, 2006: Lack of information and facilitation concerning safe sex for homosexuals in Uganda has resulted in young gays and lesbians engaging in degrading and shocking acts of unprotected sex.  [more]

It's Ok!
By Gcobisa Mshiywa [more]

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