(Click for larger image)  Bio Racer Base Layer Reviewed by Cycling Plus

Cycling Plus magazine reviewed the Bio Racer Base Layer T-Shirt.

Paul Vincent wrote "There are some great base layers out there but this is the best I’ve tried to date, at a reasonible price to." He gave the t-shirt 9/10. Click image to see review and recommended buy!

Bike Rader Reviews the Billato SuperCorsa

BikeRader.com reviewed the Billato SuperCorsa and gave it 4.5 stars out of 5. After testing the bike they said "While the name Billato may be unfamiliar to all but the aficionado, this is a thoroughbred Italian frameset of exceptional quality. Even without the custom sizing option it would merit comparison with any of the top-end carbon opposition. For anyone dissatisfied with off -the-peg sizing, it has real appeal, whether for racing, sportive or Sunday riding."

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Museeuw MF1 Reviewed on RCUK

(Click for larger image)  RoadCyclingUk reviewed the Museeuw MF1 with Richard Hallett saying "On the evidence of just one short (20km) ride, the Museeuw MF1 has set a new standard for ride quality and efficiency. Even hardened shop staff at one of Surrey's most Italianophile retailers had to admit being impressed. RCUK was, for sure. "

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Museeuw MF1 on CyclingNews

CyclingNews.com discuss the Museeuw MF1 frame and forks briefly and they will be spending 6 months testing the bike so come back soon to see there results.

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BikeCyclingReviews tests Reskin

Reskin BikeCyclingReviews.com tested Reskin and Alastair Hamilton wrote "There isn't much new in the world of cycling and when something pops-up it has to be something really special or very different to get me excited. Bio-Racer , the makers of some of the best cycling clothing, have come up an innovation that is (nearly) beyond explanation, this is a product that I will not be posing for photographs for the web-site wearing!"

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