Vital Force Naturopathic Health Centre
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A seasonal form of allergic rhinitis, hay fever can manifest as acute conjunctivitis with itching and tearing eyes, inflammation of the nasal mucosa, a tickling, runny or stuffy nose, and abrupt sneezing.

Hay fever begins in some individuals as an allergic over-reaction to a particular allergen by the body’s immune system. House dust mites, mold spores, animal dander, pollen (trees in spring, grasses in summer and weeds in fall), along with food sensitivities, are for the most part the major culprits. Although, allergies are initiated by many different factors and thus appear as separate symptoms in various people. The probability of acquiring allergies can be genetic, but the way in which they appear may not be the same. For instance, a child with food allergies can have a parent with asthma, eczema, or allergic rhinitis. This is known as atopy, or the tendency to develop allergic conditions.

Why some people develop hay fever and others do not may stem from an under-functioning immune system, an overgrowth of bad bacteria in the colon, and nutrient deficiencies. The diet may not be balanced with essential vitamins, minerals, good fats and protein, or they are unable to digest and fully absorb these nutrients. Also, consuming similar foods every week can contribute to developing a food sensitivity, as can eating a large amount of preservatives (nitrates), artificial flavors (MSG) and colours (tartrazine).

Some suggestions that may help to decrease symptoms of hay fever or reduce its occurrence include drinking 6-8 cups of filtered water daily, limiting acidic and mucous-producing foods in your diet (simple carbohydrates, sugar, and dairy) and avoiding tobacco smoke. To ease nasal congestion, inhale steam from over a bowl of very hot water with a towel over your head. Add 2 drops of lemon balm or lavender essential oil, or a bag of chamomile tea to the water. In addition, eliminate allergy-provoking stimuli, such as covering your bedding with allergen-proof material, eliminate carpeting and using air purifiers and dust filters in your home, cleaning your house weekly to keep dust from building-up, and maintaining humidity below 50% to prevent mold and dust mites from accumulating.

Although there is a large amount of research on diagnosing and managing allergies, the importance of prevention is overlooked. Treating the whole person is the goal with which to successfully restore optimal health, as restoring intestinal immunity, managing stress, proper elimination, and good nutrition is vital.

Nutritional consultation, acupuncture, herbal medicine, as well as homeopathy are a natural and effective way to prevent as well as manage allergies.

Visit Dr. Hornyak N.D. for an individualized treatment plan. Phone Vital Force Naturopathic Health Centre today at 905-319-3788 or toll-free at 1-866-401-3788.


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August 2006


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