Signals and Systems, Spring 2005

About Signals and Systems

Syllabus and Assignments

Policies & Grading

Assignment Records



Spring 2004 Site

Assignment Formating for Submission

For All Assignments

On the last page of each written submission (or in the comments at the end of a program), please include:
  • Collaboration: List the people who helped you and with whom you worked. If you worked with no one, please say so (e.g. "Collaboration: no one.").
  • Time Spent on this submission: We want to track the time that you spend on your assignments. Include only the time you spent on this submission, and try to be accurate (we will take your numbers seriously): For example, "Time Spent: 35 minutes".

Only correct solutions to assignments will be given credit. You are encouraged to turn in your work early to receive feedback quickly.

DSP First Problems

Please follow the following rules (homework not following these may be rejected):
  • All angles must be in radians.
  • All angles must be between -Pi and Pi (e.g. 10. radians = -2.6 radians).
  • Do not combine exact and in-exact solutions (e.g. Do not say .708 Pi).
  • Box your final answer.

Homework should be submitted to the bin in AC 304, and will usually be picked up from there within a day.

Laboratory Problems

  • Create a subdirectory of \\stufps01\StuFac\Signals and Systems\Lab Turnins\[First Name][Last Initial]\Lab [N].
  • Put all of your work into this directory. Make sure you include an" index file" which may contain your answers to questions but must contain:
    • Pointers to where any other work is (m-files, saved plots).
    • Your collaborators and time-spent
  • When you are ready for the lab to be graded, send jrising @ an email with any notes of places where you're still confused or comments.