Lance Stehr, of Ghetto Ruff Records
We can't be hiding things. Sithole's public disclosure will help to show that we have a problem as a nation. It's better for people to come out and face it
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About Algeria

Official name: People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
Capital: Algiers

Head of State: President Abdelaziz Bouteflika

Government Type: Republic

33,769,668 (July 2008 est.)

Independence: from France in 1962

Languages: Arabic (official), French, Berber dialects

Religion: Sunni Muslim 99% Christian and Jewish 1%

Currency: Algerian Dinar

Legal Status of Homosexuality

Homosexuality is illegal, punishable with 3 years of imprisonment (Penal Code - Ordinance 66-156 of June 8, 1966- Article 338).

mainlines in use:
3.068 million (2007)
mobile cellular
27.563 million (2007)
Internet hosts:
477 (2008)
Internet users:
3.5 million (2007)




township catholic church braves discussion on homosexuality

algerian gays celebrate anniversary in seclusion

les lesbiennes du maghreb et du moyen orient mettent au d�fi l�homophobie dans les r�gions islamis�es.

lesbians to challenge homophobic muslim region

les gays brisent le tabou en alg�rie

j'ai 23 ans, je suis gay, et je vis en algerie by Mask Admin 8/7/2005
gays en alg�rie: l'homophobie retourn�e contre soi! by Mask Admin 8/7/2005
gay algerian faces deportation after 10 years in uk by Mask Admin 21/2/2005
gay man seeks asylum in uk by Mask Admin 2/12/2004

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Previous Stories
homosexuals come out in kenya
KENYA - April 29, 2007: Luzau Basambombo spent six months in a Kinshasa prison, abused over and over again. The Congolese human rights activist suspects that he was put behind bars because he openly admitted being homosexual. 'If you are gay in Congo, you become an outlaw,' he says. [more]

more gay activity �after nine�
FILMS & MOVIES � April 30, 2007: After nine, another mini-series showing sensitive issues surrounding the gay life is hitting the screens on May 3 despite the controversy brought about by its deferment.  [more]

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