Jessica Stern, researcher for Human Rights Watch Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights Program
Lesbians in South Africa face abuse and violence simply for not fitting social expectations of how women should look and act.
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About Libya

official name: Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
capital: Tripoli
head of state: Revolutionary Leader Col. Muammar Abu Minyar al-Qaddafi
state: military dictatorship
population: 5,900,754
languages: Arabic, Italian, English
religion: Sunni Muslim 97%
currency: Libyan dinar (LYD)

Legal Wise

status of homosexuality: illegal
age of consent: NA
laws covering homosexual activity: Section 407(4) of the Penal Code criminalizes homosexual acts with 3 to 5 years' imprisonment.

Jehoeda Soefer provides the following detailed account of the revision of the Penal Code after the 1969 coup which brought Colonel Gaddafi to power: "In 1953 Libya enacted a Penal Code based upon an Egyptian model (thus, via the Italian Code, influenced by the Code Napoleon)....The 'old' Article 407 of the Penal Code had provided for for punishment of imprisonment of up to 10 years for acts committed by force, deceit, or with minors or mental defectives; in 1973 it was changed by provision VIII/1, and now states: "Whoever has intercourse with a person with his consent will be punished with his partner by imprisonment of not more than 5 years." In the Arabic version of the addition the penalisation of consensual intercourse is sexually neutral. Presumably, this provision will cover sodomy, as Article 410 was deleted; it had penalised sodomy only where the offenders had committed the act publicly or had been apprehended in flagrante delicto.

Article 408 of the Penal Code was amended by Article VIII/2 which states: "Whoever commits an indecent act with a person with his consent will be punished with his partner with imprisonment." Article 408 now reaches all consensual acts between adults instead of incidents of sexual acts where there was no consent, with minors, or with mental defectives."

Jehoeda Soefer also comments on the introduction of certain Shari'a law provisions at that time: "Law 70 (after the 1969 coup) from October 2, 1973, "Regarding the establishment of the hadd penalty for zina modifiying some of the provisions of the Penal Law", revives selected shari'a rules regarding fornication. The definition of zina in Article 1 as intercourse between a man and woman who are not bound to each other by marriage, does not include sodomy upon males".

(Arno Schmitt and Jehoeda Sofer - "Sexuality and Eroticism Among Males in Moslem Societies")

It appears from Sofer's text (although not confirmed explicitly) that sex between women is also illegal.

Homosexual acts, or attempted acts by members of the armed forces, are prohibited under Section 114 of the Military Code of 1974 with a penalty of up to 5 years' imprisonment.

Source: ILGA


main lines in use: 750,000 (2003)
cellular telephones: 234,800 (2004)
Radio broadcast stations: AM 16, FM 3, shortwave 3 (2002).
Radios: 1.35 million (1997).
Television broadcast stations: 12 (plus one low-power repeater) (1999).
Televisions: 730,000 (1997).
Internet Service Providers (ISPs): 31 (2006)
Internet users: 205,000 (2005)



liberal libya

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