Zuma referring to complainant's sexual orientation and dress code
I speculated that the woman only had girls when there were no boys. She came to me in a skirt that showed her legs... and gave me an indication that she expected me to be of some assistance.
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About Liberia

official name: Republic of Liberia
capital: Monrovia
head of state: President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf
state: multi party
population: 3,042,004 (July 2006 est.)
independence: from Britain in 1847
languages: English 20% (official), some 20 ethnic group languages
religion: indigenous beliefs 40%, Christian 40%, Muslim 20%
currency: Liberian dollar (LRD)
media: NA

Legal Wise

status of homosexuality: illegal
age of consent: 16
laws covering homosexual activity: Section 14.74, �VOLUNTARY SODOMY� of the Penal Law provides that a person who engages in deviate sexual intercourse under circumstances not stated in Section 14.72 or 14.73 has committed a first degree misdemeanour.

Accordingly, Gays (homosexuals/lesbians) are individuals (males/females) who engage in deviate sexual intercourse with their sex mates or members of the opposite sex. Gay, being synonymous or close to Sodomy, is defined by the Penal Law of Liberia, as a deviate sexual activity and is therefore considered an offence under Liberian laws. (source: The Status of Gays in The Republic of Liberia/ILGA)

background information and government attitudes: "From our study, the Liberian society frowns on or rejects such acts for the mere fact that such acts are immoral, unchristian, uncultural and unhealthy.
While it is true that there are Gays in Liberia, such people operate underground. They are believed to be residing in concession areas and cities. Members of the Gay society carry on their activities under the thick curtain of darkness, in secret, for fear that if it becomes public knowledge, they could be arrested, prosecuted, ostracized, ex-communicated and ridiculed by their non-gay friends, families and society at large." (source: The Status of Gays in The Republic of Liberia/ILGA)


main lines in use: 6,900 (2002)
cellular telephones: 160,000 (2005)
Radio broadcast stations: AM 0, FM 7, shortwave 2 (2001).
Radios: 790,000 (1997).
Television broadcast stations: 1 (plus four low-power repeaters) (2001).
Televisions: 70,000 (1997).
Internet Service Providers (ISPs): 8 (2006)
Internet users: 1,000 (2002)



human rights organisations want taylor tried in africa

bank executive accused of sexual harassment by his junior employees

elect leadership with quality track records

no nation for gays

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