Global Partners    

International Family Planning

Nearly 600,000 women die worldwide each year from causes related to pregnancy. When couples are unable to space their children, children’s lives are threatened as well — over 30,000 babies die each day during birth or just after, and 90% of infants whose mothers die from childbirth die by their first birthday. Voluntary family planning is a critical and doable first step in addressing this devastation. (source:

As is the case with global AIDS, the United States has a tremendous opportunity to support the health of women and families by funding proven programs to make family planning available to couples who wish to limit or space their children. However, the Bush administration has turned its back on women in poor countries, choosing instead to export right-wing ideology and to dramatically limit access to family planning programs.

Key family planning issues:

  • ICPD/Cairo Consensus: The international agreement that has become a foundation for raising the status of women worldwide. Find out how President Bush has backed away from the agreement.

  • UNFPA/United Nations Population Fund: the only multilateral agency specifically devoted to providing family planning and reproductive health care services; de-funded by President Bush at great cost to women’s health.

  • Global Gag Rule: reinstated on President Bush’s first day in office, the global gag rule denies U.S. foreign assistance to organizations that use their own funds to provide, counsel, or advocate for safe abortion.

More on the Bush administration and international family planning:

“International family planning assistance, going to poor women in developing countries who have no voice in U.S. politics, is an easy target for right-wing ideologues who would like to eliminate reproductive freedom in the United States and around the world.”
Planned Parenthood Federation of America

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US Policy & Global Health

AIDS in Africa

Global AIDS Fund

Inter. Family Planning


Global Gag Rule

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