yuko's blog


today was the worst aki banana day ):
to begin with, i over-slept.
then i had this very bad stomache that comes & goes as it pleases throughout the entire day  =__=
next, sebastian told me right smack at the start of the day, it was his last day!

i don't know who yoo are, but yoo must be some kinda superstar ♪

meow! yuko's here to blog again *^__^*

*crunches on cookie crips while blogging*

moe moe christmasuuu~! (*^ ・^)ノ⌒☆

hai hai~ =^__^=
akibanana now has badges!
buy your favourite maid's badge & support them o(^-^)o

she bangs XD

sorry i haven't been blogging much >w<

yeaaaaa i cut my bangs myself XD
feels kinda funny, maybe i'm not used to it.
i think i can be ringo's twin now cuz we both have bangs haha XD

@akibanana ^__^

sweetness! (・ω・)

meet my sweet little cutie-pie!
she's sugar, spice & everything nice! (*^ ・^)ノ⌒☆
♥ her ttm!
was helping my mum out at a kindergarten.
she's nicale, twin sister of nicole.

blur blur ):


training at aki banana~!

♥ hihi yuko desu~
going to try blogging here o(^-^)o

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Happy new year~
BTW, We are STILL going through cosmetic sugery..
It would take some time to complete the makeover so please keep clearing your cache and refreshing your browser. Please bear with us ><

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Angel Rei explains about the Christmas Special & the angels demonstrate the Akibanana Janken