mero's blog

it's new year's eve already! ( ' A ` )

time flies when you're having fun etc etc, ne *___* hope everyone had a fantastic year, and here's to an awesome one ahead!


today, mero-san no tomodachi went to A87! they were served by yume and ordered the christmas special, which they said was very nice (^--^) they also played a trick on yume by speaking half in japanese and half in english (^_-) yume, did you understand them?


why, internets, WHYY (;A;)

 so my internet died just as i clicked "submit" on a really really REALLY long A87 reporter post. T____________________T to put it simply, i am Upset. in fact, i am Very Upset, because i had to upload lots of pictures and i wrote lots of moe commentary and i put every ounce of energy i had into it and now it is Gone and i don't know how to retrieve it, if i even can retrieve it T_____________________________T so now i have to rewrite it, but i'm totally not in the mood for it, mouu~

a car accident!

 mero did a horrible thing today! it was her second time driving her mother's car, and she made a mistake turning down a ramp and scraped the side of the car against the wall! ( ' A `) mero is just glad her mother isn't too angry at her, but now she is scared of driving in carparks (>_<) hopefully, mero will become a better driver, ne. orz


Video-filming at Akibanana!

 \o\/o/\o/\o\/o/ <~ that is how i felt after visiting A87 Cafe&Bar yesterday! my afternoon was filled with moe, and lots of fun too! we were filming a video to promote the cafe, look forward to its release, ne!


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Happy new year~
BTW, We are STILL going through cosmetic sugery..
It would take some time to complete the makeover so please keep clearing your cache and refreshing your browser. Please bear with us ><

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Angel Rei explains about the Christmas Special & the angels demonstrate the Akibanana Janken