Yume's blog


Eto. I guess my birthday is coming soon? I think the website is kind of elaborated...


Wonder if I can go out shopping with Miki, hehe.


I'm thinking of getting a Japanese phone, they're so pretty. Gonna sell my LG Viewty. It sucks. -.-


Today both Miki and I were butlers. Hm~


We had quite a few customers, and among them were five Japanese-speaking customers.


Hm~ Kiki is ill, hope she gets well soon.


I guess that's all for today, ja!


I'm going to die, die, die! I worked 12 hours straight and I don't want to kill myself by being online anymore.


We might be open on New Years Eve. Well, if the guys decides to visit to celebrate something.


There might be some reporters from Straits time coming over tomorrow. Got to go and sleep soon~


These are pictures of the cosfest.





There's actually more, but since Akibanana only allows 1 image upload at a time... I got fed-up.

Merry Moe Christmas~

I'm back from work...

Tomorrow I'll go for the End-of-year event. I'll be going in Lolita, and I'll take some photos I guess...

Also, I'm in a hurry now, since I want to watch Absolute Boyfriend special edition.

Today is Christmas. Merry Christmas people!

I don't like to watch television, but this is an exception.

Should be able to finish Slam Dunk today.



I'm not working today, but that's fine.


I mean, I get to watch Slam Dunk for the whole day - Wondering if I should continue on from the manga.


Animes never have a proper ending, but that's alright; As long as they go with the manga and the manga continues on and have a good ending.



Today was eventful I guess, since there were many customers, and that is good.


- Since I'm able to work. Haha. I hate being bored.


Anyway, the girls wore the angel costumes...


I'm glad I didn't have to do that. I'd seriously go to heaven.



There wasn't many customers today apart from my friend...


I wonder why, it's a Saturday night isn't it?


Not to mention, our normally bustling neighbor was rather barren today, too.


Yesterday, I wrote another chapter of If the Voice Lost Its Memory due to the Slam Dunk video crashing on me.


This is a preview I guess, since I won't post it up anything soon - Not until my beta-reader comes back.




I ordered a rum cake from Ringo today, because it simply taste delicious.


You should definitely try out the Rum Rum cake from Akibanana.


I love cakes.


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Happy new year~
BTW, We are STILL going through cosmetic sugery..
It would take some time to complete the makeover so please keep clearing your cache and refreshing your browser. Please bear with us ><

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Angel Rei explains about the Christmas Special & the angels demonstrate the Akibanana Janken