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Game Help

  • Anatomy
  • Making a Move
  • Promotion
  • Game Windows #1 and #2
  • Examine Mode Palette
  • Hidden Features
  • Arrows and Circles
  • Limitations
  • Whenever you start a game, Fixation displays a game window similar to the image shown below (the board square colors and piece set are user configurable):

    Game Window


    The game window consists of the following components:

    Making a Move

    To make a move (when it is your turn), click a piece/pawn and drag it to the square where you want the piece/pawn to be placed. A red "X" will be displayed at the current "to" square. End the drag operation and the piece will be placed onto the "to" square with the red "X" underneath. This indicates that Fixation has sent your move to the chess server for validation. Once the server sends a board update, the red "X" will be removed and the piece moved to that square (if it's a valid move). top


    When a pawn reaches the 8th rank, Fixation will display a promotion window if Show Promotion options is enabled. Either click the desired piece or press 'n' for Knight, 'b' for Bishop, 'r' for Rook, or 'q' or space for Queenie. The promotion window will close and the promotion piece will appear. top
    Promotion Window Promotion Window
    Mac OS X Mac OS 9

    If you are playing a "Giveaway" wild(26) game on the ICC or "suicide" on the FICS, the promotion window will include a King. In this case, you can either click the King or press 'k'.

    Game Windows #1 and #2

    Fixation keeps track of the position and size of the first two game windows in your preferences. If these windows are closed and another game is examined, observed, or examined, Fixation will re-open one of these windows at their previous position and size. If either of these windows becomes hidden by other windows on the desktop, you can make either of them the frontmost window by selecting Game One or Game Two from the Windows menu. top

    Examine Mode Palette

    When you enter examine mode, a palette of buttons will appear at the bottom of the window:
    Mac OS X Mac OS 9
    The buttons do the following:

    Arrows and Circles

    The ICC supports the display of arrows and circles while a game is being examined, either by you or when you are observing an examined game. An arrow can be drawn using the arrow command. A circle can be drawn using the circle command. See the respective help files on the ICC for the syntax of these commands.

    Any arrows and circles drawn will be automatically erased when any type of board update is received (e.g. playing a move, backing up). top

    Hidden Feature


    Revised: November 14, 2004