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The following table lists the suggestions and requested enhancements for Fixation.
Date AddedShort DescriptionLong DescriptionWhoVersion
08/16/1999 Saving games The ability to save games played on a chess server to a user specified folder on a local drive. PGN format.   
08/22/1999 Show Opening Show the name and/or ECO of the opening. This may only be suitable for observed/examined games due to the extra lag that would be introduced. Another option is to add an "ECO" button to the game window. CK 
08/22/1999 Examine palette Add a piece palette for setup/examine mode.  2.0.4
08/22/1999 Chess engine Add support for running chess engines such as Amateur or crafty.  2.0f2
08/22/1999 Arrow/circle Add support for the arrow and circle commands on the ICC. 2.0b2 has rudimentary support in that it tells you these commands were used but no drawing is done on the board. CK2.1
08/22/1999 Firewalls Add support for connecting through firewalls. I probably won't be implementing this myself as I don't have to deal with a firewall.   
08/22/1999 Capture Sounds Use sounds for piece captures. CK2.0fc1
08/22/1999 Challenge popup Display a popup window for challenges. CK 
08/22/1999 FEN/EPD Provide board position in FEN and EPD format for importing into a chess program for analysis. J. Scalo 
08/22/1999 Tile Windows For gameboards only. This would automatically arrange boards side by side (i.e. nonoverlapping) when one is observing/examining/whatever more than one game. L. Pereira 
08/22/1999 Chess Sets Add more chess sets. 2.0
08/22/1999 Legal Moves Check for legal moves before sending the move to the server. Presently, Fixation sends the move to the chess server for move validation.   
08/22/1999 Log Server Output Log the chess server output to a local file.   
08/22/1999 Editable Commands User editable commands in the Commands menu. Using aliases on the server does the same thing.   
08/22/1999 Move Lists Display a move list window or attach to game board window.   
08/22/1999 Square Patterns Allow patterns to be used for square colors.   
08/22/1999 Hilite Draw Hilite the draw offer. Also could use a distinct sound or speech. 2.0b2 hilites the offer in the text window.  2.0b3
08/22/1999 Remember Boards Save the size and location of more than two boards in the preferences file.   
08/22/1999 Logon Script After logging on, run a local script containing commands to be sent to the server.   
10/02/1999 Known server names In the Server connection dialog, there should be a default list of known server names for the ICC and FICS.  2.0
10/04/1999 Load PGN files Load PGN files and play through them either locally or on a chess server. Also be able to provide annotations and save them to an updated PGN file. T. Kokesh 
12/05/1999 Coordinates Display square coordinates along the sides of the game board. andrew 
12/05/1999 Function keys Provide the ability for the user to program the function keys (F1-F12). SoleSurvivor 
02/06/2000 Channel colors Add the ability to use different colors for channels. A. Roberts 
02/23/2000 All seek ads list When "sought all" is entered, capture the list returned by the server, display the list in a dialog window and when an entry is selected, automatically issue a "play" command for the seek ad. L. Pereira 
02/23/2000 History/library list Capture the lists from the history and library server commands, display them in a dialog window and then enter examine mode for any selected game from the list. CK 
03/24/2000 Highlight last move Add an option to highlight the last move made. J. Antonio2.0.2
02/06/2001 Text clipping Support text clippings to/from the desktop. Dr. Bogue 
02/27/2001 Tenths seconds When clock time is under 10 seconds, shows tenths of a second as well. CK 
03/03/2001 Promote to K In suicide games, add King to promotion window. TechDeck2.0.3
4/25/2001 Display captured pieces. Add an option to display the captured pieces in a game. Hank 
04/29/2001 Separate window for says Put opponent says in a separate window or attach them to the game window. Alex 
04/29/2001 Chess engine UI Add a friendly user interface for using chess engines.   
04/29/2001 NLS Add support for other languages which can be dynamically changed by the user.   
05/27/2001 Draw&Resign buttons Add Draw and Resign buttons to the game window when playing a game. W. Malave 
06/29/2001 Move by clicking Instead of dragging pieces with the mouse (or other comparable device) or entering moves by the keyboard, the user would simply click the from and to squares with the mouse. W. Malave 
07/18/01 Hypertext links When a URL is displayed in the console, it should be underlined and when clicked, it should launch your web browser. Also, any server commands in double quotes should issue that command when clicked.   
12/26/2001 More Seek Graph Filters Add options to filter out game types such as wild and suicide. Mage (FICS) 
01/05/2002 Notification menu Add a notification menu which lists the players on your notification list that are logged on. D. Getz 
11/05/2002 Flash time Allow the user to specify the amount of time before the time remaining in a game window starts flashing. Currently, is it hardcoded to 10 seconds. T. Brannon 

Created: Jan 31, 2001  Revised: Nov 20, 2004