Big Island

Big Island

One of the many large offshore islands that lie off the coast of the massive Baffin Island, Big Island is located at the northern edge of the Hudson Strait, situated 4 km across the narrow White Channel from its larger neighbour and 105 km northeast from the Ungava Peninsula of the Canadian mainland (just visible at the bottom left corner of the above image).

Covering an area of 803 km², the island has an east to west length of 62 km with a maximum width of 24 km in the east. The terrain consists of low rounded hills of up to 360 m in height that rise from the steeper slopes of the northern shore before descending with a shallow gradient through a lake-filled landscape to the southern coast. Offshore are many smaller islets, particularly off the eastern and western ends of the island.

image: MODIS rapid response project at nasa/goddard space flight center

Location Map
