
Mundua, Papua New Guinea

The island of Mundua and its surrounding islets form part of the Vitu Islands group of the south-central Bismarck Sea. The islands, known as the Mundua Islands, lie 8 km northwest from Garove and 23 km southeast from Narage; the coast of New Britain, at the Willaumez Peninsula, lies 85 km to the southeast.

There are four main islands — Mundua, Vambu, Wingoru and Undaga — arranged in a linear grouping of some 10 km in length; several smaller islets and emergent rocks are located on the northern side of the group. Many small submerged and part-emergent reefs are located in the area. The main island of Mundua (on the east) measures 5.75 km in length with typical widths of around 1 km.

The islands are steep-sided, hilly and extensively wooded with fringing reefs and shallow reef environments found around their coasts.

image: ASTER volcano archive jpl/nasa

Location Map
