Vitu Islands

Vitu Islands, Papua New Guinea

The Vitu Islands are a small group of volcanic islands situated in the southern Bismarck Sea, spread over a region of some 2,100 km in area. They are located between 60 km to 115 km northwest from the tip of the large Willaumez Peninsula of New Britain (at the bottom-right corner of the image). For the individual islands of the Vitu group, see: Garove, Mundua, Narage, and Unea.

There are 4 main islands: Garove (67 km²), Narage, Unea (28 km²), and the Mundua group of Mundua, Vambu, Wingoru and Undaga. The islands are hilly to mountainous (reaching an elevation of 591 m on Unea), generally reef-fringed and are all thickly vegetated.

Westwards from the Vitu Islands are Ottilien Reef and the Whirlwind Reefs, both of which can be considered as outliers of the Vitu Islands.

Synonyms: Witu Islands, French Islands

image: MODIS rapid response project at nasa/goddard space flight center
